> Seminárky/Referáty > > Eutanázie: Zabíjení nebo starost? - anglicky

Eutanázie: Zabíjení nebo starost? - anglicky

Kategorie: Sociologie, Humanitní cizojazyčné práce

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce velmi zevrubně v angličtině představuje pro a proti použití eutanázie z pohledu etiky, morálky a práva.


Justified killing or murder?
What is euthanasia
Action vs. omission
Assisted sucide
Voluntary vs. non-voluntary
What euthanasia is not
Nazi Germany
Later development
Different views
Hypocratic Oath
Very easy to do so
Empty words
Case in GB
The Netherland
Religion and euthanasia
My view
My view
Reasons against
Possibility of commiting a sucide
Equal access?
Reasons for
Democracy & right of choice
My grandfather
Sancity of life


"There was a case in Great Britain when a British man took his incurable wife dying of cancer to Switzerland to provide her assisted suicide . When he came back, the British government accused him of murder and imprisoned him for 14 years.
The Netherlands, was the first country which fully legalised euthanasia. All the other countries tolerate euthanasia, or have legally assisted suicide, however the Dutch were the first to allow euthanasia without any restrictions. The senate allowed doctors to kill patients with terminal diseases who are suffering “unbearably“ if they request it. It requires a long doctor-patient relationship and excludes euthanasia for nonresidents. The request would have to be made voluntarily, persistently and independently while the patient is of sound mind. Patients can however leave a written request, a Living Will, for euthanasia, giving doctors the right to use their own discretion when patients become too physically or mentally ill to decide for themselves. Nearly 9% of all death in the country are caused by euthanasia.
The Belgian parliament followed the Netherlands and in May 2002 passed a bill legalizating euthanasia. According to a Belgian news report, the new euthanasia law is more far-reaching than its Dutch counterpart. “The patient must be in a medically hopeless condition of chronic and unbearable physical or psychological suffering. The Belgian law establishes different procedures for terminally-ill patients and patients with incurable illnesses who still have many years to live.“
In Oregon physican-assisted suicide has been legal since November 1997. The Department of Human Services is required to collect the requests and decide whether or not assisted sucide is necessary. Between 1998 and 2003 alltogether 171 persons got the lethal doses of drugs, because they were mostly dying on cancer, HIV, chronic lower respiratory or others. Nowdays about 1/7 of Oregonians are dying by physical assisted suicide, which is considered normal medical service and is paid by taxpayers.
Other countries like Japan, Columbia or Uruguay have some special exceptions and tolerate euthanasia, although it is not legal. Australia legalised assisted suicide in 1996, but in 1997 it was revoked by the federal parliament. In most of the countries, euthanasia is still considered a crime, like in Singapore where a doctor who provides assisted suicide is imprisoned for 50 years.
Each religion strongly rejects the possibility of assisted suicide. There are two main arguments offered by Christians, and those of other faiths, that are against an individual suicide, for whatever reason. Firstly life is a gift from God, thus only God can start a life and only God should be allowed to end it, God supports people in suffering. Everyone who commits a suicide is commiting a sin. Many religious organizations have their own against statements.
Pope John Paul II., judges euthanasia as unjustifiable evil. Referring to “a world which shows serious symptoms of violence and decadence, the Pope said it was increasingly clear that policies and laws opposed to life are leading society to degeneration, not only moral but also demographic and economic.“ The Roman Catholic Church opposes any kind of murder, including assisted suicide. According to the church, the word murder is covered in the term of death with dignity, but the person who contemplate ending his life, instead of turning to God for strength to overcome pain, is not a good Christian, and he/she does not deserve the love of God and the Church.
I am an Atheist and I don´t believe in all these things, but if I consider and think about the Bible, when Jesus was crucified and he asked God to help him, didn´t God give him a death, didn´t he in fact give Jesus the right to die, can´t this be called euthanasia?
Othodox Jewish community rejects any kind of death as well. As Christians they turn to the Bible: “the Bible instruct us to heal the ill, but not to speed their departure from this earth.“ Human life is unique and its maintance takes precedence over every other consideration. Helping the dangerously ill includes the obligation to visit the sick and the obligation of forbearance from doing anything that might hasten the death of a sick person, no matter how serious the illness is. Euthanasia is forbidden under any circumstances.
There is no right to suicide in Islam. Muslims believe that since they did not create themselves they do not own their bodies. They are entrusted with their bodies for care, nurture and safe keeping. Alah is the owner and giver of life and His rights in giving and in taking are not to be violated. To kill oneself is a crime in Islam as well as a grave sin. In Freedom to Die, Mrs. Russel cite the Quran: “The Quran says: Do not kill yourselves, for verily Allah has been to you most Merciful. (Quran 4:29). Whoever kills himself will cary his coward death to the hell.“ "


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