> Seminárky/Referáty > > Nadnárodní právo mezinárodních obchodních transakcí – Lex mercatoria (Aplikační problémy) - anglicky

Nadnárodní právo mezinárodních obchodních transakcí – Lex mercatoria (Aplikační problémy) - anglicky

Kategorie: Právo, Humanitní cizojazyčné práce

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Jedná se o zevrubný popis principu aplikace nadnárodního práva u mezinárodních obchodních transakcích. V práci je vysvětlen pojem Lex mercatoria, jeho historie, definice, součásti a aplikace. V závěru autor přináší i návrhy na možné zlepšení situace. Práce je identickým překladem práce ID 9060 do angličtiny.


Transnational Law of International Trade Transactions
Historical Point of View
International Trade Law at the Beginning of the 20th Century
Basic Elements
Referring to the Lex mercatoria
Cases Decided on the Basis of Lex Mercatoria
Refusal of Application
Relation to Other Phenomenona


"2.5. Application
More complicated question than what the lex mercatoria is and what it consist of are problems connected with a limitation of its use. As I have already indicated in the introduction some of the specialist on the international trade law reject application of the lex mercatoria as an independent system of law and admit its application just on the basis of legal reference of national international private law. Other authors admit also a broader application. In the following paragraphs I will try to show all possible ways of usage. Some of them are not acceptable for one part of the public and others for the other one.
One of the possibilities how to use the lex mercatoria is a subsidiarity to the national legal order, i.e. in the limits given by peremptory rules of the national law determined by conflict rule or otherwise. No party participating in a discussion on the lex mercatoria, whether its advocates or opponents, has any problem with this usage. Even the national courts are obliged to accept it in their decisions. In such a case the lex mercatoria has shrunk just to agreements in the frame of contractual freedom provided by national legal norm and is of no difference in comparison with other particular agreements in the contract. Any other rules of conduct or documents containing some norm would be binding in the same way.
In the case of equal use of lex mercatoria and the national system of law the application is enabled in two ways. Firstly, the parties may choose it as their governing law so they do not have to choose system of law of any other state. They would be obliged to choose a governing national law in the situation mentioned in the previous paragraph. Secondly, the possibility to choose the lex mercatoria is vested in the arbitrators who can choose it in the case when the parties to the contract were not able to choose their governing law on their own. The former use is more familiar to the lex mercatoria than the latter one but such an application is enabled just in few countries of which France, Switzerland and Netherlands can be mentioned. Examples of the latter use are the arbitral laws adopted in e.g. Germany and Italy.
Extreme application of the lex mercatoria is represented by situation of priority of lex mercatoria to national systems of law. In such a case the lex mercatoria would be applied on the relations within its sphere of action even without legal regulation. In a pure theory this use should be implicated by its character as a system of law regulating some international relations. But such a conception is not theoretically justifiable even though it has been applied in some cases decided by a few arbitral courts and arbitrators ad hoc.

2.6. Referring to the Lex mercatoria
As the term lex mercatoria is rather just an academic term which is not used in the international trade very often other terms are used in the international trade contracts if the parties want to refer to this collection of norms. The most used terms to refer to the lex mercatoria are “international commercial customs”, “law valid among the international merchants”, “generally recognized principles of law among the international merchants” etc.
I have mentioned above there are also two written collections of international customary rules - Principles of International Commercial Contracts and Principles of European Contract Law. These two collections solve their application themselves and they also regulate the way how to refer to them. The Principles of European Contract Law in the Article 1.101(3)(a) and (b) state: “These Principles may be applied when the parties have agreed that their contract is to be governed by "general principles of law", the "lex mercatoria" or the like or when the parties have not chosen any system or rules of law to govern their contract.” Likewise the Principles of International Commercial Contracts state in the third paragraph of their preamble: “(Principles) may be applied when the parties have agreed that their contract be governed by general principles of law, the lex mercatoria or the like.”
To the lex mercatoria can be referred to also in other ways. But some of terms very similar to the lex mercatoria cannot be applied as some different system of law is hidden under such terms. Decision-making according to amiable compositeur may be mentioned from the frequently used terms. On the other hand, decision making according to equity, fairness or ex aequo et bono cannot be applied. Although the amiable compositeur decision making can be used to refer to the lex mercatoria we cannot place an equal sign between these two ways of resolution of disputes."




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    Nápověda pro zákazníky T-mobile:

    1. Vyplňte Vaše číslo na mobil, zvolte jako operátora T-mobile a klikněte na POTVRDIT.
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Důležité informace: Provedením mobilní platby, odesláním SMS, platbou kredity, platbou kartou nebo převodem z účtu souhlasíte s Podmínkami stahování.
Veškeré informace o platbách si můžete přečíst zde.
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