2.3 | Profese podléhající syndromu burn-out
3. | Vliv burn-out syndromu na manažery
3.2.3 | Subjektivní příznaky
3.2.4 | Objektivní příznaky
4.2.1 | Krátkodobá opatření
4.2.2 | Dlouhodobá opatření
"2.2 Stages
The burn-out syndrome doesn´t attack an individual in a moment, but it evolves in a few stages and the burnout itself is only the result of a long and gradual process, which can last from several months to a few years. There are more than one division of the burn-out syndrome, but according to Jerry Edelwich and Archie Brodsky1 there are five stages of the syndrome.
In the first stage, we are talking about a manager, who is just new in his function. It´s a stage of enthusiasm, where he has a huge ardor and big, most often also unrealistic, expectations. You can identify this manager by the fact that his work fully satisfies him. He works overtime a lot, but on his own accord, so he neglects his personal and non-job-related interests.
There is stagnation in the second stage and the initial enthusiasm starts to subside, just like his ideals, with which he accepted the job. In this stage, the managers are often starting to realize, how much their expectations were unrealistic and that it is impossible to fulfill all of them.
Thanks to that, the excessive focus on work issues is reduced and there is a return to other interests
In the third stage, we are talking about frustration, when the manager starts thinking about a meaning of his job and what´s its efficiency and purpose. This is because he meets with obstacles too often, whether it is bureaucracy, some technical problems or just unsatisfied or unwilling to cooperate customers. Also, the conflicts with subordinates or supervisors may cause the problems. At this stage first signs of physical, emotional and mental disorders begin to appear.
The fourth stage is a stage of apathy. Long-term frustration is cumulated to a state of apathy, which is often connected with a HH-syndrome2. This syndrome causes a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness. The manager does only what he must, what is his duty. He sees his job only as a source of living and he refuses all the overtimes and all the innovations in the field where he works. In many cases, his job and the interaction with clients bothers him.
The fifth and the last stage is the burn-out, or emotional exhaustion and depersonalization3. The worker tries to find every possible way to escape from his job, he spends less and less time in the working process and he´s especially trying to avoid meeting his clients.
2.3 Burn-out subject professions
The situation, which supports growth of a burn-out syndrome, is long, close contact and unsuccessful interaction with people. Other reasons for growth can be overload, excessive demands, too austere a work environment or strict rules of behavior, even dictatorship. Most of the time it is the environment, where the number of customers or work tasks exceeds the number of workers.
In general, we can say that the most endangered by the burn-out syndrome are people working in health care services, education services, social services and people employed in the administration field or the economy and business fields. It is very surprising, that burn-out
syndrome can be in many cases found even within a family circle, even though we don´t consider family as a job.
It is obvious, that burn-out syndrome can affect people in every possible kind of job and it doesn´t matter what profession exactly it is, it depends on what conditions the person works in and his stress resistance."
Číslo práce: | 21801 |
Autor: | - |
Typ školy: | VŠ |
Počet stran:* | 7 |
Formát: | Nezadáno |
Odrážky: | Nezadáno |
Obrázky/grafy/schémata/tabulky: | Ne |
Použitá literatura: | Ano |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok výroby: | 2011 |
Počet stažení: | 3 |
Velikost souboru: | 22 KiB |
* Počet stran je vyčíslen ve standardu portálu a může se tedy lišit od reálného počtu stran. |
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Provedením mobilní platby, odesláním SMS, platbou kredity, platbou kartou nebo převodem z účtu souhlasíte s
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naší podporu.