> Seminárky/Referáty > > Vliv moderní historie Dánska na postoje k EU - anglicky

Vliv moderní historie Dánska na postoje k EU - anglicky

Kategorie: Evropská unie, Politologie, Ekonomické cizojazyčné práce, Humanitní cizojazyčné práce

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce sleduje vliv moderní historie Dánska na jeho postoje vůči Evropské unii a integraci vůbec - pokrývá témata 2. světové války, otázku Šlesvicka, NATO, otázky integrace, ekonomiky, přistěhovalectví a pohledu Dánska na budoucnost EU.


Basic characteristics
The Second World War
The „Schleswig question“
The Cold War and NATO
The Integration
Economic issues
Denmark and future of the European Union
Conclusion - Denmark’s special position


“Denmark and future of the European Union
After the 2004 enlargement and previous to the planned ratification of the Constitutional Treaty a political agreement regarding Denmark in the enlarged EU was agreed upon between the government (the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party) and three pro EU opposition parties (the Social Democrats, the Socialist People's Party and the Social Liberal Party).
The political agreement of November 2004 reflects a general agreement that a ratification of the Constitutional Treaty is recommendable. Furthermore the agreement points out a number of areas in which the political parties believes Denmark should play an active role in EU cooperation.
Denmark recognises the importants of the right development towards the common future in the EU. The political agreement states that the Treaty contains a number of significant improvements :
• The Treaty ensures that the enlarged EU can function more effectively. The decision-making procedures are simplified and streamlined, thus enhancing the ability of the EU to deliver the necessary results, even with 25 or more Member States.
• It is firmly stated that the EU is a cooperation between independent nation states, and that the EU’s powers are conferred by the Member States. At the same time, it is made clear that any Member State has the freedom to withdraw from the cooperation.
• The division of labour between the EU and the Member States is clarified and clearly described.
• The EU’s objectives and values are clearly presented and given far more prominence in the Treaty. The Treaty underlines that the EU is built on democracy, freedom, tolerance, equality and respect for human rights. The EU seeks to promote, among other things, social progress and a high level of environmental and consumer protection. The values are further emphasised by the decision to incorporate the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights into the Treaty.
• It is stipulated that EU legislation shall be adopted in accordance with the principles of full openness and transparency – in both the European Parliament and the Council. The democratic process in the EU is enhanced also by the role and opportunities afforded to the national Parliaments and by the fact that the European Parliament is given increased co-influence.
• The EU’s ability to present our common views on the international scene is strengthened, as is the EU’s ability to undertake crisis management tasks based on voluntary contributions from the Member States.
• The EU is given legal personality, thus allowing the EU to act as one entity in relation to the surrounding world, including when the EU concludes international agreements.

Further the agreement states that the Treaty is not a goal in itself. It is first and foremost a means that can and must be used for the benefit of the nations and peoples of Europe. Results are generated in the political and democratic process that takes place in the Member States and in the EU institutions.
The Treaty offers a good foundation for Denmark’s active and equal participation in European cooperation. The Treaty offers Denmark good opportunities to continue the efforts to achieve the overall European policy objectives that the parties to this Agreement share.
For these reasons and other the Danish representatives have recommended the Treaty for positive ratification. After the unsuccesssful ratifications in France and the Netherlands, the ratification process in Denmark (the referendum) was postponed without any conrete date set for it."


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