> Seminárky/Referáty > > Průmysl, ekonomie a zajímavá místa ve Spojených státech - anglicky

Průmysl, ekonomie a zajímavá místa ve Spojených státech - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Formou otázek a stručných odpovědí jsou představeny hlavní oblasti průmyslu a ekonomie v USA.
1. What are the main industries in the USA
2. The main agricultural products and main mineral resources
3. What is the capital and what does D. C. mean
4. Where can we find Hollywood and Beverly Hills
5 Which city is the victim of frequent earthquakes
6. Where was jazz born
7. NASA centre
8. What is Cape Canaveral
9. Which city was the first US capital
10. What is Chicago famous for
11. The centre of car industry


"2. The main agricultural products are: corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, tobacco, fruit, and vegetables
The main mineral resources are: coal, copper, lead, uranium, gold, iron, mercury (rtuť) and oil

3. What is the capital and what does D. C. mean?
The capital city is Washington. D. C. means District of Columbia – in means the land of Columbus – this territory isn’t a state, the country’s capital is situated here.

4. Where can we find Hollywood and Beverly Hills?
Hollywood and Beverly Hills we can find on the western coast in Los Angleles. Hollywood is the famous film centre and Beverly Hills is one of the luxurious quarters.

5 Which city is the victim of frequent earthquakes?
San Francisco is the victim of frequent earthquakes. It’s one of the cleanest and most picturesque cities."



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