> Seminárky/Referáty > > Pardubice - anglicky

Pardubice - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce z anglického jazyka stručně seznamuje s místopisem a historickými zajímavostmi Pardubic a okolí. V závěru je krátká zmínka o vesničce Pohranov.
1. Úvod
2. Vzdálenost od Prahy
3. Vlastivědné včlenění
4. Historie, zajímavosti
5. Pohranov


"Pardubice is the capital city of the Pardubice Region, Czech Republic, lying on the river Elbe, 104 km east of Prague.

Since Pardubice has been a significant transport junction for more than a hundred years, it has been easily accessible. It lies just 104 kilometers eastward of Prague.

Pardubice is one of the most beautiful towns in Eastern Bohemia. It lies in a plain at the confluence of the Elbe and the Crudimka rivers. The settlement of Pardubice can be traced back to the 12th century. Today, Pardubice is the modern city which values its history. An important landmark of Pardubice is the Castle, along with the historical Pernštejn Town Square with its Green Gate.

Pardubice is not acknowledged just for gingerbread, sports and industries, but also for a rich cultural life. Success in the Czech National League has made ice hockey the most popular sport in Pardubice. Recent reconstruction of the winter stadium brought along construction of an additional arena with a skating rink that is used by local hockey-players, figure skaters, and the general public. Pardubice has become almost synonymous with horseracing. The local racecourse is not only about Velká pardubická, but also about the number of other quality races and riding contests that are held from May to September.

I live in Pohranov. Pohranov is small village next to Pardubice. There is Pohranovský rybník. Pohranov has a population of about 100 people. Pohranov was founded in 17 th century. Pohranov is great village, but is smaller than Pardubice. I like my village and my city."


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