> Seminárky/Referáty > > Cadbury, Nestle, Kit Kat – porovnání webových prezentací firem anglicky

Cadbury, Nestle, Kit Kat – porovnání webových prezentací firem anglicky

Kategorie: Propagace, Ekonomické cizojazyčné práce

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Tato práce se zabývá stručným porovnáním firem Nestlé, Kit Kat a Cadbury z hlediska jejich webové prezentace, SWOT analýzy, designu stránek, a způsobu komunikace se zákazníky. V závěru autor uvádí vlastní názor na tuto problematiku.


E- Commerce
SWOT analysis
Contact with customers
Link where companies informed their customers about products
My suggestion


"My SWOT analysis is based on three products Kit Kat, Nestle and Cadbury chocolate. Kit Kat is a product of Nestle Company and therefore I am going to compare just the websites of Cadbury and Nestle. As I said above the e-commerce is nowadays very important because the society is still more and more depend on the internet, and therefore it is very important for companies to have well organized websites.
First, I want to start with the comparing of design. Design is very important for each company, many visitors decide after entering to the website if they will continue in checking or if they move to another website. There is many reasons why is in my point of view the Cadbury winner in this point. When the visitor opens their website they can see the place full nice colors and first impression is positive. The bars look like piece of chocolate and you can really see that this is a Chocolate company. On the other hand the design of Nestle Company looks much worst in comparing with Cadbury. During the preparing my SWOT analysis I opened Nestle website and I was not sure if opened the right website of the chocolate Company. The home page is full of no arranged information it is a mix of information which are not related to products or chocolate industry.
Contact with customers is very important. If the company wants to see progress, the contact with customers should be priority for them. The tool bar where customer can add some comments or questions should be placed on the home page and should be easy to find. On Cadbury website you can find this tool bar immediately after opening the home page, but on Nestle website it is hard to find what you need, it is much harder to find important information.
Both companies have well organized link where they informed their customers about products. Nestlé is a company which is providing more products from different industries, the customer can find information about all these products: Bottled Water,Baby Foods, Dairy Products, Breakfast Cereals, Ice Cream, Nutrition, Beverages, Chocolate & Confectionery, Prepared Foods. Nestlé Professional and Petcare. Cadbury is specialazed only on chcocolate and therfore there are giving just the infirmation about their chocolate products. Again, I prefere the structure of Cadbure pruduct link. They show picture of each product and after clicing on the choosen pruduct the customer can find all relevant information about the product. Nestle as a big company producing many kinds of products, however they do not give the details describing each product, this is another point down for such a big company."



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