> Seminárky/Referáty > > Chorvatsko - můj druhý život - esej anglicky

Chorvatsko - můj druhý život - esej anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Eseje

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Tato práce se formou eseje zamýšlí nad rozdílností kultur. Autorka seminární práce popisuje své postřehy z letních brigád v Chorvatsku. Uvádí spíše obecné myšlenky. Jednou z nich je vhodnost poznání nejen kultury dané země, ale také národního jazyka, neboť tak může docházet k nedorozuměním.


Study of the culture and language
Summer work in Croatia
Confusion with languages
Adapting to the new


"Living in a foreign culture is an experience we often look forward to with excitement and enthusiasm. However, many of us are not prepare for the cultural dissimilarity we encounter, and may experience difficulties with different approaches and attitudes to wards things. Everybody who has spent an extended time living among people who have a different language, values and attitudes, system of working and social etiquette will sooner or later realize it’s not all that much fun and at times often infuriating.

Surely, that the best way how we can recognize another culture is to be among inhabitants of the country. Everybody is pleased when a foreigner shows en effort and tries to speak the native language of the country he is in, because knowing a few words of the native language can helps smooth your path in the early days. So firstly the study of the culture and language is recommended.

I worked in Croatia as a tour guide for eight summers. The first season was an uneasy one. Well, both countries are post communist, so the Croatians as well as the Czechs are Slovenians, but maybe this is the problem. We know each other’s culture, yet we still believe that our own nation is better than our neighbour’s. People in Croatia are more hot-blooded as you probably know. But when you come into the office with a problem you want to solve they have got a lot of time, and you can wait for one thing more than three to four hours. It is in these moments that I think to myself,”how is it possible that they are so sluggish, absent-minded and do not seem to care.” They like to have coffee and talk to you about their nice country, sea and traditions. It’s very lovely, but if you don’t speak the languages in makes it pretty uncomfortable you feel. "


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