Esej o výhodách a nevýhodách akademického titulu - esej anglicky
Kategorie: Pedagogika, Humanitní cizojazyčné práce
Typ práce: Eseje
Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu
Charakteristika: Stručná esej se zabývá otázkou, jaké jsou výhody a nevýhody akademického titulu. Autor dává přednost výhodám a zmiňuje i několik nevýhod.
1. | Důvody pro vlastnění akademického titulu
2. | Nevýhody akademického titulu
"I think that having a university degree is important and useful because with a university degree you can get a better job. It is important to think about type of university.
The advantages in having a university degree are that you will have a good expertised in some sector. You will have a grounding knowledge in many subjects and anotheradvantage is that at the university you will get rid of many boring subjects which are at the secondary school. At the university you can met many interesting pepole. Other advantages are that you can have better paied job witch you will like. It is advisable to choose a job which is conected with the type of your studying. If you study economy at the university and you have a degree BA which is a bachelor you can work one day as a manager or you will become a board of some big company. One day I would like to have a university degree because I think that it is beneficial and many types of job you can you can not do without having a university degree. I would like to be a vet so I will have to go to the university and study medicine."
Práce je krátká na půl strany.
Číslo práce: | 19633 |
Autor: | - |
Typ školy: | VŠ |
Počet stran:* | 1 |
Formát: | Nezadáno |
Odrážky: | Nezadáno |
Obrázky/grafy/schémata/tabulky: | Ne |
Použitá literatura: | Ne |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok výroby: | 2010 |
Počet stažení: | 98 |
Velikost souboru: | 8 KiB |
* Počet stran je vyčíslen ve standardu portálu a může se tedy lišit od reálného počtu stran. |
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