> Seminárky/Referáty > > Práce - anglicky

Práce - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Stručná cizojazyčná esej je věnována tématu práce. Nejdříve se autor zabývá rozdělením lidí na aktivně pracující a ty ostatní. Dále vyjmenovává členění pracovních sil na dělnické profese, administrativní a státní zaměstnance. U každého výše jmenovaného druhu pracovních sil vyjmenovává několik příkladů profesí. Poté následují informace o práci v bankovnictví a změnách postavení žen ve společnosti.


Dělení pracovních sil
Dělnické profese
Požadavky na vzdělání
Administrativní profese
Státní sektor
Práce v bankovnictví
Postavení ženy ve společnosti


"We say that the people who are the suppliers of labour are in the labour force. The labour force is all the non-military people who are officially employed or unemployed
Normally, the labour force of a country consists of everyone of working age (typically above a certain age (around 14 to 16) and below retirement (around 65) who are participating workers, that is people actively employed or seeking employment. People not counted include students, retired people, stay-at-home parents, people in prisons or similar institutions, people employed in jobs or professions with unreported income, as well as discouraged workers who cannot find work.
People are often classified as being either blue-collar workers, white-collar workers and people who work in the service sector.
Blue-collar workers
typically perform manual labour and earn an hourly wage. Blue-collar work may be skilled or unskilled, and may involve manufacturing, mining, building and construction trades, mechanical work, maintenance, repair and operations maintenance or technical installations. The term blue-collar is derived from 19th century uniform dress codes of industrial workplaces. Industrial and manual workers wear durable clothing that can be dirty, soiled, or scrapped at work. A popular element of such clothes has been, and still is, a light or navy blue work shirt. Blue is also a popular color for coveralls, and will frequently include a name tag of the company/establishment on one side, and the individual's name on the other. Often these items are bought by the company and laundered by the establishment as well.
Educational requirements
A distinctive element of blue-collar work is the lesser requirement for formal academic education which is needed to succeed in other types of work, with many blue-collar jobs requiring only a high school diploma. Blue-collar work typically is hourly wage-labour. Usually, the pay for such occupation is lower than that of the white-collar worker. Especially skilled blue-collar jobs may pay very well compared to white collar jobs. Sometimes the work conditions can be strenuous or hazardous, also known as the 3 Ds: Dirty, Demanding, and Dangerous."



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