> Seminárky/Referáty > > Charakteristika Hercula Poirota - anglicky

Charakteristika Hercula Poirota - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina, Literatura

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Referát se soustřeďuje na popis postavy detektiva z pera Agathy Christie. Obsahuje informace z detektivova života, jeho postupy při šetření zločinů a puntičkářské zvyky. Věnuje se částečně i popisu detektivova zevnějšku.


Detektivův životopis
Vzhled Hercula Poirota
Detektivova povaha
Autorčin názor na detektiva


"Hercule Poirot is one of the most famous world detectives. He was born from the Agatha Christie's pen before 93 years. So, he is quite old in this way. For real he is around 60 in majority stories. His real age is not known. This Belgian detective appeared in more than 33 novels and 65 short stories. His literary life started with The mysterious affair at Styles and ended with the Curtain. He has many fans around the world and his character is now not just in the books. He is also in TV, internet, radio... There are many fan webs about him, too. He is kind of prodigy!I have read the Hercule Poirot's Christmas and the Elaphants can remember. From this two books I prefer the first one, because it was more thrilling for me. And in my opinion it has better story. I do not like detective stories, but this two were quite good. But this genre is not still my most favourite..I think people in these stories do not like Poirot, they “just” respect him. He may be an unsympathetic person for other. It can not be nice when his nose is everywhere in your house and barnacle. Sometimes he could be obrtusive.

Christie's works were also pictured. Thanks to this we have a closer conception of his appearance. He has really short, little bit fat figure with typical coved belly, egg-looking head with rat face and black waxed hairs, which gradually make a bald place on the top of his head. His dark eyes are small, but very clever. Upon his eyes is bushy black eyebrow. His biggest feature is surely his excellent moustache. Poirot takes enormous care about it and he is really proud on this always perfectly waxed black part of his face. He envies men with beautiful natural moustache, because his one is beautiful thanks to cosmetic preparatives. On his head has its own place a small black bowler hat. Sometimes he carry a wand. He has elegant style.
So- this to his appearance."


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