> Studijní podklady > Skripta, učební texty > > First Certificate of English (FCE), část writing

First Certificate of English (FCE), část writing

Kategorie: Nauky o anglickém jazyce

Typ práce: Skripta, učební texty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Jedná se o vypracovaný cvičný test ke zkoušce First Certificate of English (FCE), část writing. Jeho podstatou je napsat příběh, který by začínal slovy „Maria looked at the map and realized she was completely lost. She decided to ask for help.”


"First Certificate of English

Your teacher has asked you to write a story for international magazine. The story must begin with following words:

Maria looked at the map and realized she was completely lost. She decided to ask for help.

Write you story.

Maria looked at the map and realized she was completely lost. She decided to ask for help. She looked around but nobody was there. Just long dirty streets with neon lights in the dark. „Why did I run away from home? “, came in her mind but she suppressed an answer immediately. She got scared.
She walked a bit down the town passing cocktail bars, casinos and night clubs and sat on a bench in a park at the end of the street. She started to dream she was much older than 17 and THAT never happened. She cried but shadows hid her tears.
Two young men just passing her, however, noticed her crying and ask her gently. „What happened, honey? “ She looked at them crossly and shouted, „Nothing, NOTHING!!! EVER HAPPENED!!! “ and run away in the dark leaving the map on the bench."


Rozsah vypracování úkolu je cca 1/3 strany.



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