> Seminárky/Referáty > > Návrhy na zlepšení společnosti Big Jacks Pizza - prezentace anglicky

Návrhy na zlepšení společnosti Big Jacks Pizza - prezentace anglicky

Kategorie: Propagace, Ekonomické cizojazyčné práce

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Náplní prezentace je přednesení několika doporučení společnosti vyrábějící pizzu. Autor se věnuje firemním silným i slabým stránkám, představuje návrh na změnu obalu a uvádí odhadované dopady na náklady. Dále poukazuje na nutnost obměnit nabízenou škálu pizz a přichází s nápadem na speciální týdenní akce. Kromě této informační části obsahuje práce také všechny formální náležitosti prezentace – uvítání, představení i závěrečné rozloučení.


Silné a slabé stránky společnosti
Změny obalu
Aktualizování druhů pizzy
Týdenní speciální nabídky


"Case study – Big Jack´s Pizza

Good morning everyone! As you know I am here today to present you my recommendations for your company. I have studied all the information that you have provided to me, to be informed as much as I can, and I made some conclusions which will help you decide about some big changes and improvements.
To start, let´s make a list of your company´s strengths and weaknesses. On one hand, your company´s strength is definitely take-out and home delivery, because this is where more than a half of income comes from, but on the other hand, customers are not very satisfied with the taste and the packaging of your pizza. I see that the restaurant sales are not very good, they are about 1/3 of all Big Jack´s Pizza revenues. Despite the fact they are holding up, this point is certainly the weakness, because dinning-in can be much more profitable than take-out and home delivery, so you should attract more customers to dine-in. We will get back to the further details later.

Now, let´s have a look at major changes on packaging and their estimated impact on costs. As we know, the biggest part of income (to be exact 68%) comes from take-out and delivery, that is why we really need to focus on packaging. I would strongly recommend to change following things:
1) change the logo (+2%)
2) three-color printing (+1%)
3) non-standard box shape (+2%)
Total increase of costs = 5%
Please take a look at my vizualization of new logo and the new box.
The box should look totally different than your old one, you want it to be unique. Everyone should recognize your box from others. I suggest that the box should have round shape, with the pizza picture and the new logo printed on it. This shape will also prevent slices to slide around the box, so it is not only good looking, but practical as well."



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