> Seminárky/Referáty > > Emu - anglicky

Emu - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina, Biologie

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Krátký popis největšího nelétavého ptáka světa je psán v angličtině.


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" The Emu is the second largest bird in the world. It lives in Australia. It‘s a heavy and tall bird which can‘t fly because its wings are too small. It reaches a height of 160 – 190 cm and can weigh 30 – 45 kg. It has a long neck and small head with large eyes. Emu have long, strong legs, which are well adapted for running and kicking. If necessary, emus can walk many kilomtres a day or run at a speed of 48 km/hour. They also are good swimmers.
Wherever emus go, they need plenty of water. Most of Australia is hot and dry and so they look for places with enough rainfall and food such as seeds, flowers, fruits, leaves and insects.
Female emus lay as many as 11 eggs, sometimes as often as twice a year, but it‘s the male who sits on these big blue-green eggs and keeps them warm for nearly two months."


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