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Blanka Matragi - anglicky

Kategorie: Nauky o anglickém jazyce

Typ práce: Skripta, učební texty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Jedná se o krátký učební text v angličtině na téma Blanka Matragi. Práce se zaměřuje na porozumění krátkému textu v cizím jazyce. Její součástí je krátký písemný úkol, jenž prověřuje pochopení textu.


Blanka Matragi - životopis
Slovní zásoba v anglickém jazyce
Domácí úkol


"A quarter of a century ago, the academic painter, fashion designer Blanka Kyselová-Matragi set off on a journey to join her husband that took her from the Czech Lands all the way to the Orient. As the very first autobiography of a female Czech fashion designer, the newly released book has a unique story to tell: Blanka Matragi's clientele came from the royal palaces in the countries of the Persian Gulf, so the designer found herself the only European, the sole foreigner in fact, in a very exclusive atmosphere.
The chapters on the exotic “palaces”, the secret life of sheiks, and the huge, extravagantly conceived weddings are full of psychologically astute observations – and certainly belong to the high points in the book. Packed, as it is, with distinctive characters, opinions and reflections, this volume provides a vibrant picture of the life of Blanka Matragi – an extremely dynamic, ambitious woman who enjoys stepping over traditional boundaries. No part of her life is concealed from her readers : even its intimate moments are shared. Every phrase reflects Blanka Matragi's distinctive individuality and a healthy self-confidence. The accompanying collection of photographs revealing her personal and professional life, many of which are being published for the first time, provides a separate, visual account. For early 2006, Lidové noviny publishing house has prepared an exciting book about the life of an extraordinary woman set against a Middle Eastern backdrop. The publication will serve as a sort of overture to a larger project comprising several cultural/social events, through which the designer will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of her work.

toponyms: the Czech Lands, the Orient, the Persian Gulf, Middle Eastern
collocations: all the way, the sole foreigner
borrowings: clientele, royal, sheik(s), overture, unique
phrasal verbs: set off, step over, set against"


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