> Seminárky/Referáty > > Škodí zvířatům chov v zoologické zahradě? - anglicky

Škodí zvířatům chov v zoologické zahradě? - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Eseje

Škola: Gymnázium Františka Martina Pelcla, Rychnov nad Kněžnou, Hrdinů odboje 36, Rychnov nad Kněžnou

Charakteristika: Krátká anglická práce psaná formou eseje se zamýšlí nad otázkou, zda jsou zvířata v zoologické zahradě svým chovem v zajetí poškozována. Autorka se snaží argumenty podpořit tvrzení, že zoologické zahrady zvířatům více prospívají, než ubližují, ačkoli mají některé nevýhody.


Přínos zoologických zahrad pro zvířata
Negativa zoologických zahrad pro zvířata


"Keeping animals in zoo harm them
Without breeding animals in captivity many endangered species would now be extinct. Many of them might not survive in the wild and that‘s why they are placed and bred in the zoos. But there are some people that consider placing animals inside cages cruel and think zoos are not right and they doesn´t provide environment that is good and healthy enough for them. Is that true? Does keeping in animals in zoo really harm them?In my opinion absolutely not.
I strongly believe that zoos do more good than harm. I really don‘t think animals suffer in that cages. Well, of course there are good zoos and some bad ones too, but generally it seems to me animals are happy and content there. Zoo keepers try to take special care of them and keep them in conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat. They get food easily, have a lot of space and they can get an immediate medical care if they need it. And of course, as I´ve mentioned in the beginning, the main thing is that thanks to zoos we can preserve all the endangered species for future generations. And what is more, zoos are also great for education – it enables us to see and learn about the animals and encourages us to respect and protect them.
However, people of different opinion claim that animals in zoos are sad and feel cramped. Animals in captivity can also get bored - zoo keepers should provide them some toys or something like that. There are also some researches that prove elephants in captivity live shorter lives than in the wild, because they need much more space than zoo affords.
But all the facts considered, although some cons appear there, I would like to say again that I totally agree with placing animals in zoos. And in addition to that, who doesn’t like visiting them? It’s so much fun and educational, too!"



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