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Irská republika - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka z angličtiny podává základní informace o Irské republice a dále se věnuje její historii, obyvatelstvu nebo oblíbeným sportům.


Základní údaje



The Republic of Ireland has a population of about three and a half million, with an average density of 49 people per square kilometre. Most of inhabitants live in towns in the south and east of the country – in Dublin, the capital city, in Cork, in Waterfork and in Limerick. The great majority of the Irish people are Catholic, but there are also Anglicans, Presbyterians, Methodists and Jews. The Irish are frendly poeple and they like to talk and tell stories. They are warm and welcoming, but they are also proud and independent.
Very populary is hurling.In this game you score goals by hitting the ball between goals posts. Almost every town has its own team. Another sport, which is popular in Ireland is Gaelic football.Here you score goals the same way as in hurling. It is something between football and rugby. Both games have 15 players a side. Ireland’s river are also very good for fishing and it’s green hills are perfect for golf.
The Irish are famous for their music, songs and dance. Ireland is land of music. Music is important kind of their culture. The Irish love to go to pubs. They are talking, drinking Guiness, dancing and playing instruments here. Instruments used in pubs are for example fidles, drums, acordion, backpipes, whistle and bodham.

Ireland has produced some of the best writers and poets in the English language - for example Jonathan Swift, James Joyce, G.B.Shaw and Oscar Wilde. These authors are knowm from all over the world.


In the fifth century before Christ Ireland was invaded by the Gaels and the Celts. In the fifth century after Christ St. Patrick and other monks brought christianity to Ireland.
For several hundred years the British ruled Ireland and the Irish worked their land. In the sixteenth century, Britain became Protestant. But the Irish refused to change their religion and remained Catholic, so Henry VIII of Lancaster sent armies over to take control of the country. Qeen Elizabeth I, daughter of Henry VIII, encourage Protestant from England to settle in Ulster (north-eastern part of Ireland) by giving them land which has been taken from Irish Catholics. The settlers brought their own customes and traditions with them and Irish had to kept new rules and religion.
In the mid-1600s the English Civil War took place in which Oliver Cromwell (Protestant) led the army against King Charles I (Catholic). During these battles one third of the population was killed. In 1690 the Catholic rebelled again but there were defeated by Protestant force led by William of Orange. Protestants still celebrate William’s victories and they call themselves “Orangemen“. In 1801 the Act of Union was established and Ireland came under British rule.
In the nineteenth century many people dependent on simple potato farming for survival. From 1845 to 1849 there were bad potato harvest. These years are known as the “Great Femine“ as one million people died and milions more fled.
There were many attempts made to get “Home Rule“ from Britain. In 1899 Sinn Fein established political oranization, which organized IRA-Irish Republican Army.Soon they started terrorist attacks against the British. For example in 1916 Easter Monday Rising in Dublin (not successful).
In 1921 Ireland was divided into two parts. Twenty-six counties were given independence from Britain. This new Irish free state declared itself a republic in 1949 and is now known as “Irish Republic“ or “Eire“. Six counties in the north are known as “Northern Ireland“ and have remained part of Britain. Ireland joined EU in 1973."


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