> Čtenářský deník > Obsahy a rozbory děl > > William Shakespeare: Rome a Julie (film) - anglicky

William Shakespeare: Rome a Julie (film) - anglicky

Kategorie: Evropská literatura do 20. století

Typ práce: Obsahy a rozbory děl

Škola: Dvořákovo gymnázium Kralupy nad Vltavou, příspěvková organizace, Kralupy nad Vltavou

Charakteristika: Práce líčí děj filmu, který zasahuje Shakespearův příběh Romea a Julie do moderní doby. Psáno v angličtině na úrovni 4. ročníku osmiletého gymnázia.


Děj filmu


"It was the end of the 20th century in the American city of Verona Beach. The city was dominated by two rich families. The Montagues and the Capulets. They were terrible enemies. Romeo Montague, the only son of Mr Montague, wasn’t happy, because he was in love with a girl, but she didn’t love him. The other Montagues were laughing at him. One day, they decided to go to the Capulet mansion to a fancy dress party. Romeo agreed to go, too, because the girl might be there. When they got there, Romeo didn’t see the girl, but he saw another, beautiful girl, who was dressed an angel. Later, he realised that she is Juliet Capulet and she realised the truth of Romeo, too. But they met and kissed behind a curtain and they fell in love. Later, they met near a pool and sayd about their love. Romeo promised to organise a secret mariage. The next morning he went to a priest, Father Laurence, and he agreed to marry them. So the got married. After that, there was an ordinary angument between Capulets and Montagues. One of Capulets wanted to fight with Romeo, but he didn’t want to fight with Juliet’s cousin. But he didn’t stop, so Romeo killed him. Than, Capulets wanted to kill Romeo and he went to Mantua. Juliet’s mother sayd her, that she has to marry a terrible man, Dave Paris. It wasn’t good, so Juliet and Father Laurence made up a plan. Juliet will take a drug and everyone will think that she is dead. So, the evening before wedding with Paris, Juliet took the drug. They buried her is family mausoleum. When Romeo heard it, he went back to Verona Beach and bought a posion. Than he get to the Capulet family mausoleum. He saw Juliet lying and he thought she’s dead. So he took the poison. Than, Juliet started to wake up. The kissed. Than, Juliet shooted herself. When police arrived, they were lying in each other’s arms, peacefully."



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