> Seminárky/Referáty > > Too many people spend too much time playing games and sports

Too many people spend too much time playing games and sports

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Eseje

Škola: Gymnázium Jiřího z Poděbrad, Poděbrady, Studentská 166, Poděbrady

Charakteristika: Krátká esej na téma Too many people spend too much time playing games and sports, odrážející autorův nesouhlas se zadaným tvrzením, předkládá několik různých argumentů k danému problému.


Too many people spend too much time playing games and sports.


"I disagree with this statement; I think that playing games or sports isn’t a bad thing. People need some fun and relaxation. In my opinion, everyone ought to find his or her favorite sport (or game if he or she can’t do any sport as I). However, many players or fans of sports or games forget that nothing should exaggerate. A couple of them forget to live.
First of all, there are lots of games that are educational or logical and playing of them can improve our skills and knowledge – for example chess, monopoly or scrabble. Some games teach children to be patient (for example Ludo). And that goes for computer games, too – for example The Sims. What’s more, people are still in a stress and games or sports are the best way to work off it. It’s always better to capture opponent chess king than to cause quarrel. Finely, playing is a natural instinct.
Some opponents say that playing is wasting of time. I can agree only that watching sports in TV is wasting of time, but playing sports is very useful – sports and games make our body and mind healthier. I know several people, which say that PC games bring us too much violence. Yes, there are enough violent games, but amount of logical, strategic or educational and other non-violent are growing.
In conclusion, playing has got some disadvantages (injuries, addiction, violence etc.), but the benefits outweigh the drawbacks."





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