> Seminárky/Referáty > > The methods of language education

The methods of language education

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: Gymnázium Václava Hraběte, Hořovice, Jiráskova 617, Hořovice

Charakteristika: Krátká práce v anglickém jazyce se věnuje popisování nejpoužívanějších metod v jazykovém vzdělávání. V úvodu práce je mimo jiné zmíněna důležitost znalosti více světových jazyků. Hlavní část práce je rozdělena na metody používáné ve třídě a na metody využívané při samostudiu. Práce je zakončena závěrem a zhodnocením.


The methods of language education
Teaching in classrooms
Online and self-study courses
Methods of self-studying


"The knowledge of foreign languages is very important for people’s lives. We are not able to be successful without the excellent knowledge of some world language in today’s modern world. The globalization has created a large need to communicate in more languages. It doesn’t matter if we want to learn English, German, French, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese or another language. The most important is to be good in this language and be able to speak abroad with native speakers. We should speak at least in one foreign language, but the best is to be able to speak in more languages. This is needed not only in trade and in workflow process but just in tourism. The most common used foreign language in the world is English and it means that we should learn English at first and after that we can study just another language.
We can learn foreign language alone at home, in school with other pupils, we can use some special language lessons or we can travel abroad and learn foreign language right in foreign countries. There are a lot of teaching and learning methods that can be used for language learning. So we can introduce some of them in this work and everybody can choose the method that fit just to his/her nature.
2 The methods of language education
“Learning a second language has been compared to learning to ride a bicycle, learning to play tennis, or learning to play a musical instrument. In spite of broad recognition that the best way to learn these skills is by doing them, not just by studying about them or performing exercises and drills.”

The language education can be explained like the teaching and learning of foreign language. The lot of world’s countries support language education just in the primary and secondary schools. There is the common praxis in Czech Republic to learn the first foreign language just in the first degree of primary school (just from 1st or 2nd class) and second foreign language in the second degree of primary school (from 6th or 7th class). Sometimes the language education starts just in nursery school. There are also a lot of special language schools that teach its pupils foreign language more intensively and some subjects should be taught just in this foreign language."



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