> Seminárky/Referáty > > Strukturovaný životopis - vzor v angličtině pro rok 2013

Strukturovaný životopis - vzor v angličtině pro rok 2013

Kategorie: Řízení lidských zdrojů, Ekonomické cizojazyčné práce

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Jedná se o vzor strukturovaného životopisu (CV), podle euro formátu EU Europass 2013. Je psán přehlednou a strukturovanou formou. Na našem serveru najdete i verzi v češtině: Strukturovaný životopis - vzor v češtině pro rok 2013.


Osobní údaje
Pracovní zkušenosti
Vzdělání, odborná příprava a školení
Schopnosti, znalosti a dovednosti


„Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Name / Surname Gabriela Solichová
Address U Vodovodu 14, Praha 25
Phone No. +420 123 123 123

Citizenship Czech Republic
Date of Birth April 22nd, 1919

Professional Experience
Period 1/2005 - present
Profession / Executed Position Senior Consultant
Main Job Description and Field of Responsibility - leadership of sole and unaided personnel consultancy projects for clients (companies from areas of machine-industries, IT and telecommunications)
- searching the appropriate candidates for various positions (mainly technical and business, upper middle management level)
- communication with client´s HR managers and specialists
- active acquisitions of new projects
- realization of the assessment centers for manufacture and business positions
- management of the outsourcing project for clients consisted of university graduates recruitment process (5 to 7 assessment centers performed per month for Czech and Slovakian subsidiary, covering the global communication with candidates, reporting, process statistics, 3 project assistants team leadership); including the cooperation with universities due to contacting the candidates

Firm Name / Name of the Employer XLS & Partner Praha, s.r.o.
Branch Personnel consultancy company

Period 09/2003-12/2004
Profession / Executed Position Junior Consultant
Main Job Description and Field of Responsibility - leadership of self-dependent personnel consultancy projects (clients from following areas: chemical and machinery industries, IT and telecommunications)
- searching for appropriate candidates for specified positions (mainly technical and business – level of specialists and middle management)
- communication with HR managers and specialists
- execution of assessment centers for manufacturing and business positions
- leadership of the outsourcing project – university graduates recruitment for client (3 to 4 assessment centers performed per month, covering of global communication with candidates, reporting, process statistics, leadership of 3 project assistants team)
- leadership of the project of selection of specialists for technical and business positions at industries concern (2 to 4 assessment center per month, seeking of specialists for required positions)
- communication with clients, candidates recruitment consultancy
- preparation of visual presentations
Firm Name / Name of the Employer XLS & Partner Praha, s.r.o.
Branch Personnel consultancy company"


Strukturovaný životopis - vzor podle EU.
Autorka tohoto strukturovaného životopisu působí na pozici Specialistka řízení lidských zdrojů ve společnosti T-Mobile Czech Republic.



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Strukturovany_zivotopis_vzor_english.doc (73 kB)
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