Ernest Hemingway - anglicky

Kategorie: Nauky o anglickém jazyce

Typ práce: Vysokoškolské okruhy

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Charakteristika Ztracené generace - její reakce na válku. Život - rodinné zázemí, studia, práce reportéra, vztah k válce a vojenské službě, válečný reportér, sebevražda. Charakteristika děl - Fiesta, Sbohem armádo, Stařec a moře, Komu zvoní hrana.


Ztracená generace
Charakteristika díla


"Ernest Hemingway was born in Illinois, a suburb of Chicago in 1899, he had a midlle-class education and his father was a doctor, but all his life he rebelled against the morals of his parents and the conventions of life in Chicago. He graduated from High School but he didn´t go to college. Instead, he went to Kansas City, where he was employed as a reporter for a leading newspaper. He wanted to be a soldier, but was rejected (odmítnut) for military service. He was fascinated by war, working as a war corrrespondent in Spain, China and Europe and many of his books were about war. His interest in hunting (lov), bull-fighting, fishing is reflected in his heroes. His brave (odvážný) characters do not always survive (přežít) but they live their lives to the fullest.
He loved life, but he was obsessed with death, and he committed (spáchal) suicide (sebevraždu) in 1961."


Zpracovaná zkoušková otázka z angličtiny.



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