> Seminárky/Referáty > > Praha - anglicky

Praha - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina, Zeměpis

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce obsahuje letmý popis našeho hlavního města a je psána v angličtině.


Dominant of the city is the Prague Castle, the seat of president. From the square outside the castle tourists can admire the city below. They can see Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque houses, palaces and hundreds of church spires. The complex of the castle includes late Gothic Vladislav Hall, Spanish Hall and Rudolph Gallery. The most impressive building of the Castle is St. Vitus Cathedral completed in 1929. Other beautiful places are the Convent and Basilica of St. George, and the well-known Golden Lane with tiny houses from 16th century. There are some palaces too, for example Schwarzenberg P., Archibishop's P., Sternberg P., Černín P.


Krátká, velmi přehledová práce.



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