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Drogy - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce představuje v angličtině problematiku drog. Mimo základních informací dělí drogy i do jednotlivých skupin a zmiňuje se také o této problematice v rámci celé společnosti.


- Steroids: These prescription drugs are usually given orally or by injection to treat a variety of medical problems. Often they are used illegally by athletes and others who want to improve their physical performance. This practice has led to many athletes being disqualified. Using steroids can lead to serious emotional, physical, and health problems.
- Psychoactive drugs: These are drugs that people use for their mind-altering affects. A psychoactive drug is any drug that changes the functioning of the brain.
Addiction to a drug means that the user has an overpowering need to use that drug. She/he cannot control this need.
Withdrawal is a physical illness. It occurs when someone who is addicted to a drug either no longer receives it at all or receives much less of it than usual. Withdrawal can be fatal or extremely damaging to the body.
People use and misuse drugs for many reasons. One positive reason is that some drugs are effective medicines that prevent or correct health problems. Unluckily many people start using drugs as a way to be accepted by a group (especially children and young people), as a way of coping with the stress of living or just for “kicks”.


Dobře napsané. Vhodné jako maturitní otázka.



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