> Seminárky/Referáty > > Plánování - anglicky

Plánování - anglicky

Kategorie: Ekonomické cizojazyčné práce

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Definice plánování, plán. Rozhodování. SWOT analýza. STEP analýza.


Definice plánování, plán
Rozhodování. SWOT analýza
STEP analýza.


"A SWOT analysis = a review of the company’s strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
- To do, to perform a SWOT analysis
- To ask and answwer questions:
S - What is the company’s greatest strength?
- What makes the company better?
W - What is the company’s greatest weakness?
- Where do the competitors have an advantage over us?
O - What is the company’s greatest opportunity?
- What future possibilities does the company have for increasing its business?
T - What is the company’s greatest threat?
- What is the greatest theat the company is facing?
- What threats do we face?

A STEP analysis is a useful business tool for examining ways in which organizations need to adapt to changing external environment. STEP stands for sociological, technological, ecconomic and political changes.
­ sociological changes = people living longer, rising x falling unemployment
affect the customer base and availability of staff
­ technological changes = computer and information technology, automation
affect the way we work
­ ecconomic changes = interest rate changes, taxation changes, account changes
affect the company’s markets, profitability
­ political changes = chnages in goverment, new laws and regulations
affect the way we conduct the business"



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