> Seminárky/Referáty > > Business to Business - B2B - anglicky

Business to Business - B2B - anglicky

Kategorie: Ekonomické cizojazyčné práce

Typ práce: Seminárky/referáty

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce představuje současný podnikatelský fenomén Business to Business (B2B), tedy obchodování se zbožím a službami v a mimo region (Česká republika) pomocí internetu. V práci je vysvětleno, na čem se tento způsob obchodování zakládá a zároveň se práce ptá na důvod, proč by se měly společnosti zabývající se civilním inženýrstvím na tomto projektu zabývat.


1.What does B2B stand for
Why to co-operate on B2B project as the first from the traditional civil engineering companies in the Czech Republic?


"2. Why to co-operate on B2B project as the first from the traditional civil engineering companies in the Czech Republic?
The gradual exhaustion of the growth in volumes of a series of segments is to be expected (e.g. segment of civil construction, transport constructions, etc.). To preserve an expected present increase in the achieved annual turnover, the company Metrostav must incessantly seek new opportunities of diversification of its activities, react flexibly to new pieces of knowledge and react according to observations immediately by adapting company´s own strategy. Exhausting capacities of construction of new roads will probably lead to the switch of orientation to maintenance and repairs of the existing road and motorway network.. That represents a greater number of smaller orders carrying higher demands on monitoring market and increased costs related to the selection of sub-contractors, etc. And that is just this fact B2B gives solution to.
Also in the case of the segment of other constructions where the increase in orders in relation with entering EU is expected modern and expensive technology will have to be used with leasing it which will probably be more suitable. Such a leaseholder will find here an up-to-date offer of such technologies and sub-supplies.
The need to react very promptly to the offer will gain in its significance and also the following evaluation of the tender is very quick and especially transparent in this system. That represents attributes one must get used to but assets are evident."


Dobře napsané. Velmi krátké, ale jsou zachceny všechny podstatné informace.



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