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Generační propast - esej anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Eseje

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Jedná se o krátkou esej na téma generačních problémů. Práce vysvětluje jaké jsou rozdíly mezi jednotlivými generacemi a jak se mohou projevit třeba v jedné rodině.


"These were “family” generation problems, but there are still more problems. Illustrious example is music. Every generation has “their” idols and like something else. One generation criticize the music of other one and again. For example some boy is listening to a hip hop very loudly at home. His mother come to his room and said him: “Turn his screaming off. It is horrible! I want listen to my favorite Mozart.” And a jiff is here. The boy hates Mozart and could not listen to his hip hop, so he left preferably house and go to a pub with his friends – “they understand him….”. He came back drunk and mother will be very angry."



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Generation_Gap_Esej.doc (24 kB)
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