> Seminárky/Referáty > > Situace Afro-Američanů ve Spojených státech - esej anglicky

Situace Afro-Američanů ve Spojených státech - esej anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina, Dějepis

Typ práce: Eseje

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Jedná se o anglicky psanou esej, která se věnuje popisu otroctví ve Spojených státech amerických z pohledu historie a jejího vývoje od 18. století do bojů o zrovnoprávnění. Práce byla vytvořena v rámci kurzu na americké univerzitě.


Situace do Občanské války
Situace po Občanské válce
Vývoj na počátku 20. století
Světové války a černoši


"After the Civil war there were many attempts to make reconstruction. One of the big deal was Lincolns 10 percent plan. Min of 10 percent of the qualified votes took a loyalty oath to the Union, they cold organize a state government. The new state constitution promised education for black. I think his program good in could not succeed without the assistance of he congress. His plan failure because Lincoln was shouted. But there were many problems which had to black faced. Freed slaves did not have any education they did not read and write, slaves did not have money and clothes, the job opportunity were limited, farming was only one skill they did not know how to do real business. The reconstruction was for black big change, it was very difficult for them ,sometimes they did not know what to do with new freedom. Most of the whites from South were angry with reconstruction. Organizations like the Ku Klux Klan and the Knights of the White Camelia were formed . They warned black not to vote if they did not listen them ,they attacked them. There were many cases of lynching.
Industrial revolution was a big step ahead. The steam invention was very important. Lots of people from South moved to North. In my opinion there were lots job opportunities, because new factories were built. On the other hand in some branch, machines replaced people."


Velmi stručné a povrchní.



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