> Životopisy > > > Joseph Beyus

Joseph Beyus

Kategorie: Umělecké obory

Typ práce: Životopisy

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Joseph Beyus je v této práci přestaven jako muž mnoha zájmů. Autorka podrobně vysvětluje, jak chápal Beyus své performance a co jimi chtěl sdělit. Jako příklad uvádí performanci s kojotem.


Joseph Beyus as an performance-artist
Coyote „I Like America and America Likes Me“
Shaman´s actions


“II. Coyote : „I Like America and America Likes Me“ / 1974

Beuys’s the most famous Action took place in May 1974, when he spent three days in a room with a coyote.
After flying into New York, he was swathed in felt and loaded into an ambulance, then driven to the gallery, René Block gallery, where the Action took place, without having once touched American soil. As Beuys later explained:
‘I wanted to isolate myself, insulate myself, see nothing of America other than the coyote.’
But why Coyote?
"I would never have done it with a coyote in Europe. I believe I made contact with the psychological trauma point of the United States' energy constellation: the whole American trauma with the Indian, the Red Man. You could say that a reckooning has to be made with the coyote, and only then can this trauma be lifted.“
Beuys worked with felt blankets, walking stick and gloves.Gloves represented his hands and the freedom of movement that human beings possess with their hands. Also, fifty new copies of the Wall Street Journal were introduced each day, which the coyote acknowledged by urinating on them. The Wall Street Journal was for him symbol of destructive interpretation of money, economics and an ignoratic fixation based on the production of physical goods.
Beuys regularly performed the same series of actions with his eyes continuously fixed on the coyote. J.B. comented with words:



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