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Dějiny Velké Británie - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Tato maturitní otázka do angličtiny zpracovává téma historie Velké Británie. Přináší pohled na první obyvatele Británie, pokračuje Římany, Germány a končí Vikingy. Následně předkládá všechny důležité události a význačné osobnosti provázející britské dějiny až do 20. století.


Osídlení prvními obyvateli - Keltové v Británii
Germánské kmeny - Anglové, Sasové a Jutové
Bitva u Hastings
12. století - doba útisku
Válka růží
Jindřich VIII.
Vláda Alžběty I. - zlatý věk hospodářství
Jakub I. - král Skotů a Angličanů
Občanská válka
Oliver Cromwell
18. a 19. století
Průmyslová revoluce
Královna Viktorie a viktoriánská éra
Koloniální expanze
20. století
Commonwealth - Britské společenství národů
Královna Alžběta II.


"History of Great Britain
The first people to inhabit the British isles were settlers from Europe, they arrived around 3000BC and they lived in the south og England. STONEHENGE was built by these people. The first CELTIC tribes invaded(vtrhnout) Britain between 6th-3rd century BC. After one of thein tribes Britons vas named Britania. As well as lot sof names of english rivers and places were taken from the Celts(Avon, Dower). Three Celnic languages( Welsh, Gaeli, Irish) survived. The Celnic influence is most stronglyfelt in Wales, Ireland, the Highlands. The country was dividend into small units under local chiefs(náčelník). Originálky the Celts were pagans(pohané) with priests(kněz) known as Druids. The Celts were known for thein artists
In 43 AD the ROMANS invaded southern Britain, it became the roman colony, called Britania, they set up their capital in London , they built cities in York, Bath and Chester.(public baths). The most serious opposition against the Romans was a revolt in 60AD. It was led by Queen Boadicea. Three cities including London were destroyed, but finally the Romans stoped the rebellion and Boaticia killed heself. But even today people romembered her as a national heroine and her name is symbol of courage. The Romans occupation lasted nearly 400 years, but its permanent effects were fewBut the Roman striaght payed roads(dlážděné cesty) are still in use and remains of Hadrian´s wall too. The latin words-castra(´millitary camp) names such as Chester…In 5th century the Roman Empire was collapsing an their legions left Britain to defend Rome itself.
In the middle of 5th century 3 GERMANIC tribes (ANGLES, SAXONS, JUTES) invaded Britain from the Kontinent. They came from Germany, Denmark, Holland. They conquered(podrobit) the Celts and drove them to the west and north. In those days a Welsh hero Artur lived(he was born in Tintagel, he was brough up by Marlin-old celnic magician, at the age of 15 he became a king. He managed to pull a magic sword Excalibur from the rock, he lived in Kamelot, his knights(rytíř) sat at the Round table-they were equal(rovný) When he died, Excalibur was thrown back to the lake and Arthur was taken to the Isle of Avalon. People belive he didn´t die, but he lives on and will return when his country needs him.
The JUTES settled in Kent, the ANGLES occupied the northern, central and eastern part of England, the SAXONS the south. The largest part was occupied by Angles, after whoom the country was called England. As Christianity spread England under the rule of Anglo-saxons was dividend into 7 kingdoms: KENT, WESSEX, SUSSEX, ESSEY(in the south), EAST ANLGLIA(in the east), MERCIA(central part), NORTHUMBRIA(in north)."


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