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Moderní britská literatura - maturitní otázka z angličtiny

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka z angličtiny pojednává o britské literatuře z období po 2.světové válce. Rozebrána jsou díla autorů patřící ke skupině "mladých rozhněvaných mužů"- Kingsley Amise, Johna Waina, Johna Braina a Adama Sillitoe. Dále je popsán tzv. univerzitní román v díle Davida Lodge. Zmíněna je pak rovněž tvorba Williama Goldinga, J.R.R. Tolkiena, George Orwella, Agathy Christie a hry S. Becketta.


Charakteristika skupiny angry young men
Kingsley Amis
John Wain
John Brain
Adam Sillitoe
David Lodge a unverzitní román
William Golding
J.R.R. Tolkien
George Orwell
Agatha Christie
Samuel Beckett


“Campus Novel
David Lodge is considered as founder of so called campus novel
- the plot of most campus novels is set into a smaller town
- the hero is always a teacher of English literature, language or history and he causes some scandal
- adventures, sexual life are secondary features of these novels

David Lodge
Changing Places (Hostující profesoři)
- it´s a grotesque story, he gives a portrait of English and American universities and about 2 professors
- they changed their places at university and at the end they changed their wives too

William Golding was awarded a Nobel Prize. He took part in the World War II and his experiences are often seen in his works. His well- known book is Lord of the Flies. He was a teacher but after the success of this book he devoted himself only to literature. The story is set to the future, when an air–crash leaves a group of young boys on an island. At first they are happy without their parents and they try to form an ideal society. Later they form 2 groups and they are fighting. Some of them even die. But there´s a lucky ending. A captain of a British ship arrives. Boys regret what had happened.

J.R.R. Tolkien based the stories of his fairy- tale novels on his knowledge of old Germanic and Celtic myths. He created a fantasy world of Middle-Earth where small hobbits seek happiness, goodness and live many adventures. He wrote Hobbit, The Lord of The Rings, Two Towers and The Return of the King. These stories were filmed."



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