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Austrálie a Nový Zealand - maturitní otázka z angličtiny

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Jedná se o souvislý text, doprovázený mapami, který popisuje základní fakta a zajímavosti o Austrálii a Novém Zélandu.


Flóra a fauna
Politika a rozdělení (Western Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory)
Zemědělství, hospodářství, vývoz, dovoz
Nový Zéland
Základní informace
North Island, South Island
Zemědělství, hospodářství, vývoz, dovoz


“Australia became island 20 000 years ago. It is the smallest continent but the biggest island in the world. It is situated between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans in the southern hemisphere. Its coastline is where three of the world´s great oceans meet – The Pacific, Indian and Southern Oceans.
Australia is about the same size as the United States. It is the only nation to cover a whole continent. The nearest country is Papua New Guinea.
The original inhabitants are Aborigines. They arrived from Asia about 4000 years ago when Australia wasn´t separate island. They use boomerangs for hunting. Now they live in reserves
The Island was discovered by Captain James Cook in 1770. He landed in Botany Bay in today´s Sydney and explored the eastern coast. The Dutch seamen Abel Tasman discovered Tasmania. The first European settlers were mostly convicts.
There are about 18 million inhabitants in the country. The highest density is on the eastern coast. In total Australia has the lowest density in the world - only 2 people to a square kilometre. About 70 per cent of the population lives in the country's large cities such as Melbourne and Sydney. English is the common language, however more than 200 languages are spoken throughout the country.
There are mostly plains in Australia and two thirds of the surface is desert. There are 10 deserts in Australia. The largest ones are: the Great Victorian desert, and the Great Sandy Desert. Deserts of Australia are unique - when it does rain, the desert explodes into life. It is magnificent.
Australia is mostly flat, except the Australian Alps and the Great Dividing Range on the eastern coast. We can find there Ayers Rock, or Uluru - it is second largest monolith in the world and it has a special meaning for the Aborigines. It is interesting that depending on the time of day and atmospheric conditions, Uluru can dramatically change colour. The other rock formations are Mt Olga near Alice Springs and Flinders Ranges in South Australia.
The highest mountain is Mount Kosciusko I the Australian Alps.
The longest rivers are the Murray and the Darling in the south-east. Most of Australians rivers are only small creeks which dry up, when there isn’t enough rainfall.
Important lakes include Lake Eyre, Lake Torrens and Lake Gairdner.
It has more than 2000 national parks and nature reserves, protected wilderness areas of natural and environmental importance that range from desert landscape to high mountains to coastal dunes and rainforests.
Australia also has the most extreme climate changes on the planet and can swing from extremely wet to extremely dry in a matter of months. Australian seasons are the opposite of the northern hemisphere - summer starts in December and winter in June. It has all five of the world´s temperature zones: tropical, subtropical, temperature, sub polar and polar
Australia was isolated for at least 55 million years and so it created a sanctuary for plants and wildlife with many species not found anywhere else on earth. It has a lot of unique animals. From animals I would like mention kangaroo, koala, emu, echidna, kiwi, cockatoo, dingo, wombat, and platypus. Australia has a large range of reptiles living across the continent; the most diverse groups are snakes and lizards.
Typical plants of this country include eucalyptus and wattle, which is the national flower.
Off the east coast of Australia, there is situated the Great Barrier Reef, and it is one of the wonders of the natural world; it is the world´s largest coral reef ecosystem; it abounds in wildlife, including green turtles, varieties of dolphins and whales, fish, mollusc and birds species."


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