> Maturitní otázky > > > Mladí lidé a jejich životní styl - maturitní otázka anglicky

Mladí lidé a jejich životní styl - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka do angličtiny popisuje celkově život mladých, jejich módu, využívání moderních technologií, kamarádství a další z aspektů, které jej utvářejí. Na závěr shrnuje problémy mladých jako drogy, rodinné problémy atd. Práce je psána formou souvislého textu.
1. Differences in fashion
2. Using modern technologies
3. Opportunities for young people
4. Roles in the family
5. Differences in discipline
6. Friendship
7. Problems of young generation
Úryvek z práce:
“Opportunities for young people
Most young people are self-confident as they are taught independence and assertiveness these days. They have clear vision of what they want to achieve, or what their parents want them to achieve, and try to reach them. The one thing most young people desire is independence. At the age of 18, people officially come of age and are expected to take care of them.
In the developed world, young people are usually well-educated and experienced. Many of these young people have a lot of opportunities to study or work abroad. They see it as chances to earn money, gain experience and improve language.
Roles in the family
The young are full of ideals. They fall in love very often and they are very sensible.
Many young people today start their own families later in life than their parents did. Many work on their career first and get married in their thirties. In modern families, young people try to respect each other and it usually does not matter to a husband if his wife earns more money.
Differences in discipline
Young people usually know their rights and they fight for it. To older people young people seem to be cheeky and impolite. But sometimes opposite is true. Discipline in families isn´t so strict like it was.
Friendship is very important for all young people. They like to make friends with people of their own age with similar hobbies. They have their best friend whom they confide in., but when someone betrays them, they take it very seriously. The English proverb goes: Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is a half sorrow. It is absolutely true. it is better to tell somebody about your problems or on the other hand share happiness with other."



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