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Jak být dobrým průvodcem - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina, Hotelnictví a turismus

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Práce psaná anglicky, která řeší, jaké vlastnosti a schopnosti by měl mít dobrý turistický průvodce, jaké jsou při této činnosti používané jazyky a komentáře.


How to be a good guide
Guiding language
a) Indicating position
b) Talking to the group
c) Use of words and forms
Guide commentaries
a) Describing cities
b) Buildings and places


"Most guides are freelance (working for themselves, not for a company) and they are hired for a particular job. They inform tourists abou the places they are visiting. A guide has to have deep knowledge of the place and other things (architecture, history, local customes). Preparation is very important, first you have to learn amount of information. Guide has to be capable to jump from one topic to another in one sentence. Also he should be good at judging people and in what they are interested because you have to keep their attention.
Tourist ask a lot of questions and a guide should be friendly helpful and approachable. Guides should claim to know everything, we are not superhuman! If you dont know the answer, say so and add that you will find it for them. It is also important to know where the toilettes are or the date of a monument. When things go wrong you should pause and calmly sort out the problem. Try to make sure that the itinerary is kept to."


Práce je vhodná jako maturitní otázka pro hotelové školy.



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