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Školství - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Tato maturitní otázka zpracovává téma školství. Věnuje se problematice britského školství. Charakterizuje rozdíly v českém školství, a naopak. Velmi stručně popisuje školu, kterou autorka navštěvuje.


British education
Czech education
Our school



In the Czech Republic we have nine years of compulsory education from the age of six to fifteen. We start our education at basic school (základní škola). Of course maller children may attend playgroups and kindergartens where they learn some basic skills like recognizing (rozeznávání) colours, animals, plants etc. There are two grades (2 stupně) of the basic school, in the first children learn to read and write and of course they have P.E. and arts. In the higher one they have more specialized subjects like foreign languages, chemistry, biology, history...

The academic year start on the 1st September and ends on the 30th June. There are several breaks (prázdniny) throughout the year, autumn, Chisrmas, spring and Easter. The summer holidays are two months long. School breaks up (svátky) for feast days, and the headmaster (ředitel)can make the holiday a day or two longer.

most Czech schools are administred by the state. These schools are free of charge. In addition, there are private schools (primary, secondary schools as well as universities), where tution fees (školné) are charged. Most of them offer a specific type of education, specializing, for example, in foreing languages or sports. It is entirely up to the parents to decide what school is the best for their child.
After primary school, children can enrol at grammar schools (gympl), apprenticeship centres (učňák) , vocational or other professional schools (průmka nebo odborná škola) or art schools (konzervatoř).

At apperenticeship centres, trainees obtain a cerificate (výuční list). Secondary education is rounded off with a school leaving exam. The exams used to be prepared by schools themselves, and they would consist of a written test in the Czech language and an oral examination in four subject.

Students leaving secondary schools may enrol at one of the colleges or universities. Yet, entrance exams must be passed. In the Czech Republic is a wide choice of collages and universities.


This school has some separated workplaces. In Jihlava they are in Telečská Street, Havlíčkova Street and Na Stoupách."


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