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Móda - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka uvádí téma móda. Formou stručných odrážek seznamuje s historií odívání. Popisuje oblečení pro roční období a zmiňuje autorčin oblíbený oděv.


History of fashion
Clothing in different seasons in the year
My favorite clothing


"1. History of fashion:
- Old ages – this an old ages was all clothing made of leather and natural materials and people spined a wool.
- Middle ages – this is a typical era of Robin Hood. In the era of middle ages people wore leather, some clothes of cotton, leather shoes and fine leather trousers with cotton shirt or woolen sweaters and ladies wore long cotton dresses. A bottom of the shoes was made of leather too.
- Gothic era (15. - 16. century) – this is era of the legend about “White Lady”. Fashionable were thin long dresses and sleeves.
- Renaissance (16. – 17. century) – dressing in this era was very comfortable, it is era of relation and comfort in the fashion. Cotton is the material number 1.
- Baroque era – in the baroque era started the fashion of wigs, dresses with styling and iron under-skirts. For women it was very unhealthy and uncomfortable. At the time started the fashion of armour for men.
- Classicism – people in this era wore unhealthy thin waists and suspensors. Small girls had to under go an operations of ribs, because at the time was fashionable this waists. Mary Antoniety had 38 cm of waists. Very popular were silk materials and a lot of under-skirts. For this era was typical bad hygiene, because they use to wore the dresses for tree of four days; invention of make-up and many parfumes. Fashionable was pale complexion and red lips, especially by the men.

2. Clothing in different seasons in the year
- In spring the sun is shinning, but it is raining often too. People wear light anorak, short, jacket, trousers and jeans.
- In the winter the weather is cold, wind is blowing and it is snowing. People must wear winter coat, hut, cut and gloves. Under coat there is a sweater or a pullover, warm trousers and shoes.
- In the summer we can wear shorts, T-shirts or skirts. In the swimming pool we have a swimsuit."



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