6. | A solution to a problem
6.1. | Canadian housing market
6.2. | Housing code enforcement (prosazený zákon)
"I think that housing is one of more important thing in the world for people. People can live in village, or in town!
Village : There is less (méně) people than it town, but every people know each other well (každý každého zná), just only one shopp. Live in the village is boring (nudný). Because there aren´t cultural activities.
Town: live in town is good for young people and young families. There are cultural activities, the work and schools!
People can live in flat, or in house. Live in flat is cheaper (dražší) than live in house. But in flat we have less (méně) rooms than house. And big problems are neigbourts (sousedé). Live in house is good for family with children and animals because we have garden and private (soukromí).
Big problems are homeless (bezdomovci). Homeless don´t have work, people without home… The number (počet) of homeless people who sleep on the street, in cardboard (krabicích) of plastic shelters (úkryty, bunkry, ochrana) has increased (zvýšil) . People who haven’t any flat but just because there aren’t enough (dostatečné, dost) chances (příležitosti) for living in one or the flats are very expensive, for example, for a young couple. Formerly (kdysi) they were older people, now many are young. Charities such as (jako je) Shelter or the Salvation Army run (provozuje) hostels and soup kitchens for them. Homelessness (bezdomovectví) may being when someone loses (ztratí) a job and is unable (neschopný) to pay the rent (nájem) . Other reasons are family quarrels (hádky) and mental illness (mentální nemoci) . Some people, however (bohužel,avšak) , are too lazy (líní) to work or they simply waste (plýtvají) money.
Some countries have problems with an earthquake (zemětřesení) which destroyed (zničilo) a lot of houses and then people have no choice (řešení, volbu) , they must leave their houses. It is the same with floods (povodně).
British people prefer (upsřednostňují) living (žít) in house to living in flats. Now three fifths (3/5) of the population own (vlastní) a house, though (ačkoli) most often (nejčastěji) the house will be fully (zcela) their own (vlastnictví) only after they pay back (zplatí) the mortgage (hypotéku) . A typical house is semidetached (dvojdomek) joined to antoher (připojený k jinému) house and has a ground floor (přízemí) and an upper storey (horní), five rooms in all (dohromady 5 pokojů). The bedrooms and bathrooms are upstairs, the living room, dining room and kitchen downstairs. The garden is usually very small. Low – income families (rodiny s nízkýmy příjmy) live in council houses (obecních domech) with subsidized rents (s dotovaným nájemm). Housing is cheaper (levnější) in the nort than the south. The sprawling (rozrůstající se) housing is costly (náročné) in infrastructure an brings the necessity (nezbytnost) of having a car. Living in a village may be inconvenient (nepohodlné) if you do not have a car because the public transport service is limited (omezená) and many village shops have closed. On the other hand, you may have a large garden, an ancient (starobylou) cottage and attractive countryside around you (venkovské prostředí) ."
Text obsahuje český překlad vybraných slov. České ekvivalenty jsou vždy uvedeny v závorce v průběhu věty.
Tato práce obsahuje hrubé pravopisné chyby.
Práce je kompilačního charakteru. Čerpá z následujících zdrojů: http://referaty-seminarky.cz/housing/; http://referaty.portik.cz/2008/09/06/housing-problem-argument-essay/.
Číslo práce: | 18385 |
Autor: | Sendy - Sendy.kiss na seznam.cz |
Typ školy: | SŠ |
Počet stran:* | 2 |
Formát: | Nezadáno |
Odrážky: | Nezadáno |
Obrázky/grafy/schémata/tabulky: | Ne |
Použitá literatura: | Ne |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok výroby: | 2008 |
Počet stažení: | 185 |
Velikost souboru: | 14 KiB |
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