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Praha - maturitní otázka anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka z anglického jazyka zpracovává téma Praha. Představuje nejvýznamnější pamětihodnosti a místa našeho hlavního města. Krátce informuje o vládě Karla IV. a budově Národního divadla.


Původ jména
Juditin most
Vláda Karla IV.
Staroměstské náměstí
Václavské náměstí a Národní třída
Národní divadlo
Vlastní názor autora na Prahu


"Prague is situated in the center of Central Bohemia. It is the largest and the most hectic city in Czech Republic, with the seat of president, government and other state and political bodies of the Czech Republic.
According to legends, Prague was founded and named by Libuše and her husband, Přemysl, founder of the dynasty with the same name. Prague's first building was a castle on the hill in the left bank of the Vltava River, which is known as Prague Castle.It is the dominant of Prague with over 700 rooms and from the square outside the castle tourists can admire the city below.
In 1170 King Vladislav II has built the Judith’s bridge, which was the first bridge across the Vltava. Unfortunately it was destroyed by a flood in 1342.
The city flourished during the 14th century under Charles IV, Holy Roman Emperor and the king of Bohemia from the new Luxembourg dynasty. He was the one who ordered to build of the New Town, or to build the new bridge across the Vltava River after the first was destroyed. Charles also built the Saint Vitus Cathedral, the oldest Gothic cathedral in Central Europe, which is actually inside the Prague castle, and the Charles University, which is the oldest university in Central Europe.
But there is a lot more to see. Like Old Town Square is a historic square in the Old Town located between Wenceslas Square and the Charles Bridge. This square is often the bossiest place in Prague loaded with tourists. Tourists may there also find the Astronomical Clock Orloj, which is build right next to Old Town City Hall. This clock shows time, position of Moon, Sun, Earth and other great stuff like a presentation of statues of the Apostles, which appears every hour above the clock.
In the square's center is the statue of reformer Jan Hus, who was for his beliefs burned at the stake in Constance. Old Town Square is also a place where people celebrate New Year's, or just the victory in ice-hockey and football games.
Other Prague’s dominants are Wenceslas square and Nation theatre.
Wenceslas square is one of the main city squares in the New Town. Many historical events occurred there like demonstrations against communist in 1989, during the Velvet Revolution, with hundreds of thousands of people. On the top of Wenceslas square is the Wenceslas monument, the statue of Bohemia’s patron. Above the statue is the National Museum."



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