1. | Znalost informačních technologií
2. | Kolik bychom si měli zapamatovat?
3. | Důležité historické události a osoby
8. | Vdát se či zůstat svobodný
12. | Více tolerantní společnosti
14. | Problémy mezi rodiči a dětmi
"Generation gap is the gap between the young and the old. There are many differences between the old and the young in many spheres, in everyday life as well as in life attitudes and priorities. The young are more progressive and they have more courage to try something new, but the old have their experience, the traditional values and traditional way of thinking, so they don't need new ways or new views…
1) Information technology - the gap between the experiences in technologies, because the young can use a computer, digital camera, mobile phone… And the old cannot, because they didn't have chance to use it when they were young and now they are not able to learn use it and mainly they don´t have a need to learn it. Today everything is available, getting information everywhere; it is not important to know everything, it is important to know where to find it. But there is also a danger of brainwashing – kids spend too much time watching TV, playing computers…
2) How much should we remember? Education techniques have changed. We can find everything in medias, in books, we don´t have to remember everything. But it is important to find the right balance, the golden middle way.
3) The important historical events – the impact/influence of famous people (Václav Havel, John Lennon, Michael Jackson); Beat Generation, Wood Stock Music Festival, 1969 → a protest against war in Vietnam and the main idea of this protest was „make love, no war“…
4) 1989 – the turning point; the World has opened, the barriers were broken down and people started to think, people could start travel wherever they wanted, they could get information which they needed… They could verify information which they were getting for long time.
5) Different values - different background and political situation when they grew up… They didn´t have any chance to buy some things, to know many things… but it is not only about things, it is mainly about family, friends, home…
6) Travelling - the young people have a chance to travel, so they can get a many new experience or experiences, but the old didn't have a chance to travel…
7) Free time - the young listen to different music, they have a different ideas about their free time, friends, goals of life…
8) When to settle down and raise kids? Today there is a single phenomenon; stay single as long as you can… both partners could be independent.
9) Divorces causes – bad role models in the family; bad role models in the politicians, celebrities… Everybody is looking down at you… At the age of 30 they have children and they want to start live…
10) Establishment - young people fight against establishment. It is a natural tendency, because there are many authorities, which try to influence them (government, advertisement...)"
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Číslo práce: | 20875 |
Autor: | lindara - |
Typ školy: | SŠ |
Počet stran:* | 2 |
Formát: | Nezadáno |
Odrážky: | Nezadáno |
Obrázky/grafy/schémata/tabulky: | Ne |
Použitá literatura: | Ne |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok výroby: | 2009 |
Počet stažení: | 441 |
Velikost souboru: | 11 KiB |
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