Historie Velké Británie - maturitní otázka anglicky
Kategorie: Angličtina
Typ práce: Maturitní otázky
Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu
Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka přibližuje historii Velké Británie. Stručně popisuje vývoj od příchodu Keltů po období vlády premiéra Tonyho Blaira. Zmiňuje se o hlavních událostech, významných válkách, kolonizacích i důležitých panovnících.
6. | Magna charta libertatum (Listina práv a svobod)
9. | Přechod k anglikánské církvi
19. | Královna Alžběta II., Princ Charles
The first people inhabited Britain when it still was a part of the continent and although we don´t know much about them, Stonehenge and Salisbury are probably from those times. The first Celts came to the British Isles in about 750 BC. Two centuries later came also Britons after who was the country called Britain. In AD 43 Julius Caesar invaded British Islands and the Roman occupation lasted nearly 400 years.With Romans came to England also Christianity. In the middle of the 5th century the Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes invaded from the Continent and pressed the Celts up to Wales and Scotland. One of the best-known Kings of England was Alfred the Great † 901, who stopped the Scandinavian invasion to England and made a peace with the Danes. After his death England became a part of the Danish Empire.In the 11th century William the Conqueror defeated the Saxon King Harold in the Battle of Hastings 1066 and established a strong kingdom with the Normans in high positions. Richard, the Lion-Heart (1189-99) spent a lot of time abroad on crusade expeditions. His brother John I. lost almost all the English possessions in France and he signed the Magna Charta in 1215. It limited the absolute power of king and helped to develop parliamentary system. There was The Hundred Year’s War between England and France (1338-1453) in this period because of Flanders in France. At the end French led by Joan d’Arc changed the situation and England definitely lost its power in France. The winner of the Wars of Roses (1455-85) between the House of York (white rose) and the House of Lancaster (red rose) was Henry Tudor (as king Henry VII) who joined two houses of Roses and founded a new dynasty.During the Tudor Period (1485 - 1603) became England because of geographical discoveries and expansion a world leader in trade and sea power. Henry VIII well-known for his six wives carried out the Reformation in 1534, broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and founded the Anglican Church.Under his daughter Queen Elizabeth I. after who the whole era is called ‘the Elizabethan Age’, was defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588, Britain became a major sea power and England prospered in many ways. Elizabeth I. died without an heir and King of Scotland James was crowned James I. King of England – the Scotland was united with England. In about 1640 there was a Civil War between the Parliament and Charles I. In 1649 Oliver Cromwell won, Charles I. was executed and Cromwell established a republic – the Commonwealth - where he had title Lord Protector. After his death in 1660 the monarchy was restored by Charles II., Charles´s I. son.When in 1668 the new king James II wanted to restore Catholicism and absolute monarchy, the parliament decided to depose him and offer the crown to William of Orange and sister of Charles II.This events is called ‘The Glorious Revolution’and it confirmed the sovereignity of the Parliament. In the Seven Years War (1756-63) Britain defeated France and Spain and gained Canada, Florida, Gibraltar and other areas. In 1776 the British colonial Empire lost the 13 North American colonies when the USA was founded.Also the situation in Ireland - after many centuries of fighting between England and Irish - was very bad in 18th century and there were several serious rebellions against British rule. Britain was in the Napoleonic Wars with France between 1803-15. In October 1805 Admiral Nelson defeated the Spanish and French near Trafalgar. In the 19th century England prepared the way to the Industrial Revolution and there were many innovations - in 1769 steam engine by James Watt, steam locomotive by George Stephenson in 1814 etc. The period of 2nd half of the 19th century is called Victorian era after Queen Victoria and is full of great changes and reforms."
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Číslo práce: | 22066 |
Autor: | - |
Typ školy: | SŠ |
Počet stran:* | 2 |
Formát: | Nezadáno |
Odrážky: | Nezadáno |
Obrázky/grafy/schémata/tabulky: | Ne |
Použitá literatura: | Ne |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok výroby: | 2011 |
Počet stažení: | 330 |
Velikost souboru: | 10 KiB |
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