4. | Pamětihodnosti, zajímavá místa
5. | Nakupování, parky, divadla, muzea, galerie |
" the capital city of England and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
it lies on the river Thames, covers an area of 1,580 sq. km
population: 7 million people (12 mil. in its conurbation)
includes the City of London and 32 boroughs
it's the seat of the Monarch, the Parliament, the Government, the Supreme Court
contains many museums, galleries, theatres, many historical buildings, parks
the Celts settled the place as early as 800 B. C.
43 A. D. - Romans established Londonium
when Romans left the island, it remained the capital of Britons
during the reign of Norman kings (12th century) the royal court moved from Winchester (the formal capital) to London for ever
16th century - establishment of trading companies, the Royal Exchange (1565)
1665 - more than 75,000 people died from a plague epidemic
1666 - the Great Fire of London destroyed 4/5 of the city; during the following decades hectic building activity rebuilt the town; Sir Christopher Wren was appointed the main architect (constructed about 50 churches, many public buildings)
17th century - Lloyd's Insurance Company was established, Bank of England (1694), Stock Exchange (1773)
the reign of Queen Victoria (1837 - 1901) - London grew and flourished
Industry, commerce, transport
industry: woodworking, furniture-making, chemical (oil), food (breweries, sugar refineries), clothing, printing, diamond cutting, electrical engineering, paper-making, production of cement, car industries
financial and commercial centre - London Stock Exchange, gold, silver, platinum trade, postal services, art trade
the river Thames - used as a highway since prehistoric times; the Port - one of the best in the world, now it's rebuilding into "The Metropolitan Water City"; the port has moved to Tilbury; riverbuses
airports: Heathrow, Gatwick, London City Airport
rails, underground (the oldest in the world - since 1863), buses (Victoria Coach Station)
Sights and important places
the City is the oldest part of London in the East (now is the home to the financial district)
the East End (to the east of the City) - immigrants and working people
the West End - chic chops, theatres, residential areas, parks
the most stylish parts of London: Kensington, Belgravia, Knightsbridge, Chelsea
the City of London - self-governing enclave since the 12th century, is headed by the Lord Mayor (he enters his office in November - "Lord Mayor's Show")
Tower of London - William the Conqueror began to build the White Tower, than successive kings extended it; it was used as royal home, prison (Walter Raleigh, Guy Fawkes, Rudolf Hess), an executive site (Ann Boleyn, Catherine Howard, Thomas More), a royal mint, an observatory; now it's museum - arsenal of weapons, the Crown Jewels; the Yeomen Warders (Beefeaters) - uniform from Tudor times; six ravens - protect the kingdom; Ceremony of the Keys (every night when the gate is locked)
Tower Bridge (1894) - can raise in the middle to allow ships to pass up the river"
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