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Masová média - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: Gymnázium Jiřího Ortena, Kutná Hora, Jaselská 932, Kutná Hora

Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka z angličtiny se věnuje vlastnostem, historii, rozšíření či výhodám a nevýhodám masových médií od novin po internet.




"The mass media includes newspapers, magazine, radio, television, and the Internet. They are ways of how to distribute information:
1. Newspapers
Newspapers are a set of large printed sheets of paper containing news, articles, advertisements, etc. and published every day or every week and they are one of the oldest forms of mass media. If you want to read newspapers, you can buy them at the newspaper stand or you can subscribe to the newspaper and you will get the newspaper every morning in your post box. You can subscribe newspapers via phone or via Internet. One of the advantages is, that you can find in newspapers daily fresh news and you can read them when you have time, you don´t have to wait for the news in TV at specified hour. The disadvantages is that the newspapers have a large format so it´s not practical to carry and read. We can divide newspapers in two groups:
- Larger and folded across the pages
- More serious in their presentation of the news
- The best known:
- The New York Times, The Washington Post /the USA/, The Times, The Daily Telegraph, the Guardian /the UK/, MF Dnes, Lidové noviny /Czech Republic/

- smaller and their pages are not folded
- they usually present a more sensational account of the newss
- include sport, gossip, celebrities, cleves jokes headlines
- the best known:
- The Daily News /USA/, The Mirror, The Daily Expresss, The Sun /UK/, Blesk, Šíp /Czech Republic/
2. Magazines
Some magazines are weekly colour supplements of newspapers and usually include TV program pages. Others are individual weekly, monthly or quarterly periodicals covering a wide range of interests (sport, music, economy, science, etc.). They are usually printed on more quality paper and have attractive front page. Some magazines comment and analyse the national and world news: Time, Newsweek in the USA or Týden in the Czech Republic.
Some of the world most famous magazines in English language include National Geographic (nature, unique photos), Rolling Stone (pop music, interviews), Cosmopolitan (fashion), People (society)."



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