Renesance a William Shakespeare - anglicky
Kategorie: Angličtina
Typ práce: Maturitní otázky
Škola: Gymnázium Evolution, s.r.o., Praha 2
Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka z angličtiny seznamuje s Williamem Shakespearem a dobou, v níž působil, tedy renesancí. Kromě Shakespearova života jsou zmíněny i některé jeho hry a pozornost patří i Shakespearovým sonetům a obecným rysům jeho her.
5. | Obecná charakteristika Shekespearových her
"‘Shakespeare’s era’ was the time of Renaissance and the time of ‘Elizabethan Age’. People started love their life again. England was a big power in Europe. There were a lot of cultural changes in England.
‘Shakespeare’s era’ was the time of Renaissance and the time of ‘Elizabethan Age’. England became the sea power (námořní mocností), the trade rapidly grew (obchod rapidně rostl) and there were also big changes in culture (změny v kultuře).
The Renaissance was a period of revival antic ideals (období antických ideálů). People began to love and enjoy their life again (lidé začali znovu milovat a užívat si života). The most important representative was W. Shakespeare.
William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare was born in sixteen century at Stratford-upon-Avon. When he was young he started to study there and finished there his studies.
Then he married Anne Hathaway. She was older then Shakespeare. They had a daughter Susanna a twins - a boy Hamnet and a girl Judith.
He left (opustil) his wife and children and went to London. There he got a job in theatre. In London he established a new theatre - the Globe.
After some time, Shakespeare returned home. His son Hamnet had died. He was now a rich man and he bought a beautiful house. He spent the last years of his life there.
William Shakespeare wrote 37 plays - tragedies; comedies, historical play and romances.
Beside (vedle) the plays Shakespeare wrote also sonnets.
Plays by Shakespeare
It is the tragedy about suffering (utrpení). Hamlets father was murdered and Hamlet wants to avenge his father's.
Romeo and Juliet
This tragedy is a big love story. The story is about hatred between the two families in Verona - the House of Montague and the House of Capulet.
Sonnets are a collection of poetry (básnická sbírka), where are the 154 sonnets. Themes of the sonnets are love, beauty, politic and transience of life and emotion (pomíjivost života a citů). First 17 sonnets are addressed to a young man. Young man is very beautiful. Man is prompted (pobízen) to have children, because he is beautiful and his children will be beautiful to.
A lot of sonnets are for young man. So, there is speculation that Shakespeare was gay.
Other sonnets are dedicated (věnovány) for Dark Lady and two sonnets are allegorical.
William perfectly understood people and his character with all his weaknesses (slabostmi) and good qualities (dobrými vlastnostmi). He had no higher education and his main teacher was life itself. He describes life. In his work we can also find his humour and perfect mastery (mistrovství) of dramatic construction. He often mixes prose and verse in tragedy and comedy.
They have been translated into several different languages, and many of them works have been made into films, because Shakespeare’s plays are about the great issues (otázky, problémy) of life - love, jealousy, power, ambition, death and so on. So, his plays are relevant today as they were in the sixteenth century.
Revenge – pomsta
Left – opustit
Beside – vedle toho
Suffering – utrpení
To decide – rozhodnout se
To divide – rozdělit
Among – mezi
Full of changes – plno změn
Relatives – příbuzní
To be proud of – být hrdý na"
Číslo práce: | 27500 |
Autor: | - |
Typ školy: | SŠ |
Počet stran:* | 2 |
Formát: | MS Word |
Odrážky: | Částečně |
Obrázky/grafy/schémata/tabulky: | Ne |
Použitá literatura: | Ne |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok výroby: | 2013 |
Počet stažení: | 209 |
Velikost souboru: | 12 KiB |
* Počet stran je vyčíslen ve standardu portálu a může se tedy lišit od reálného počtu stran. |
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