"Mass media serve for transport of information. We define (definovat) newspapers, TV and radio broadcasting (vysílání), magazines and internet.
2. Internet
Many schools have established the special classes equipped (vybavit) with computers what enables (umožnuje) the students to learn how to operate computers. There are also many places – so called internet coffee bars – where anybody can use computer and be connected to internet for very low fee (nízký poplatek).
Internet as such has been developed (vyvinut) in USA where is also the highest population of computers at home and in school. The second country where the population of PCs is very high is Japan, than Germany, Sweden.
Internet is the most modern way of communication. When being connected then it is very easy to choose what information is needed.
Facebook or other social networks are very popular. For example twitter. On the internet, we use also TV, or listening to radio.
Internet is for free, so there are many untrusted websites with dangerous or bad content.
3. TV
TV is transmitting (vysílací) and receiving (přijímací) device with moving images and sounds. TVs are public and private. In private TVs there are more commercials and different style of programs. There is a big disadvantage and that is addiction.
4. Information manipulation
Some information on TV or on the internet is not true. People who makes telecast lie. At the beginning of every TV news, there are murders, accident or theft (krádeže). Each advert is a manipulative. Some advertisements are aggressive and obtrusive (podbízivý).
5. Three basic functions of media
Mass media have three basic functions - Informative, educational and entertaining. For example, on the TV are many informative, educational and entertaining programs. There are many programs for children and adults. Informative programs on the TV are TV news, documentary programs. Documentary programs are educational to. For children there are for example Fairytale or films for children.
6. Three categories of paper media
Quality press (broadsheet – noviny - papírové) – (kvalitní výtisk)
We know many newspapers, for example The Times, The Independent, The Guardian, and The Telegraph and In the CR we have a MF Dnes or Hospodářské noviny. In this newspaper is Higher-quality journalism (vyšší kvalita žunalistiky) and serious information. The journalists have to be objective. There have to be a simple graphics (jednoduchá grafika). In newspaper there is actual information about politics, sport, local etc.
Tabloids (bulvár)
In Tabloids there are only short articles and big headlines and many photos. In tabloids there is information about private life of celebrities. Journalists often lie in these cases. There are many gossips. This newspaper is for a lower class, so there is Straightforward (jednoduchý) vocabulary and grammar.
Magazines are for people who share the same interests. Magazines can be published daily, monthly and quarterly. In magazines there are articles about sport, science, history, cooking, cars and fashion. They are more expensive than tabloids and broadsheets"
Číslo práce: | 27502 |
Autor: | - |
Typ školy: | SŠ |
Počet stran:* | 2 |
Formát: | MS Word |
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Obrázky/grafy/schémata/tabulky: | Ne |
Použitá literatura: | Ne |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok výroby: | 2013 |
Počet stažení: | 573 |
Velikost souboru: | 12 KiB |
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