> Maturitní otázky > > > Bydlení ve Velké Británii a České republice, charakteristika sebe sama - anglicky

Bydlení ve Velké Británii a České republice, charakteristika sebe sama - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: Gymnázium Františka Živného, Bohumín, Jana Palacha 794, příspěvková organizace, Bohumín

Charakteristika: Maturitní otázka z angličtiny nejprve popisuje bydlení především ve Velké Británii, ale také České republice a poté autorka přibližuje dům své rodiny a svoje plány na bydlení do budoucna. Ve třetí části podává vlastní charakteristiku včetně podoby, zálib nebo vztahu k rodině.


Bydlení v Británii a České republice
Já a můj dům
Vlastní charakteristika


"Britain and Czech houses
People in Britain prefer houses to flats, because of privacy and independence which they love. There are about 60 per cent of houses owned by people who live in them .There are some houses you can buy, for example detached and semidetached house, bungalow, terraced house or a flat.
Typical English detached houses are standing themselves. It has a front and also the back garden and house has usually two floors. This type of house is called detached house. There is hall with stairs to the upper floor. On the ground floor is often large kitchen with typical fireplace and dining area, living room, cloakroom and the toilet. On the upper floor you can see several bedrooms with bathrooms. Houses have usually from four to six rooms. Semidetached houses are joined two detached houses joined as a mirror picture. Interior is similar to detached houses there. These types of houses usually stand on suburbs of towns.
Terraced houses are a long line of houses, which were originally built in 19th century for factory workers. They were rebuilt later for common people. This house has also usually two floors. Downstairs is kitchen and living room and upstairs there are usually two bedrooms. This type is smaller than detached house.
In Britain there is also smaller type of detached house called bungalow. This is house with only one floor and it is also cheaper than detached house. Cottage is the next type. It is small traditional house in Britain. It is old romantic house with garden full of roses like from a movie. One or two bedrooms are upstairs and the living room with kitchen is downstairs.
Next kind is flat. Flats can be in houses or in block of flats. They aren’t cheap because they are usually situated into Victorian or Gregorian buildings. Typical are small spaces like small bathroom with shower and no bath or small or no bedroom. On the other side there are huge flats, which can be on the roof and there are lot of spaces, you can have also garden there, but they are much more expensive and you can find them especially on the modern buildings."



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