> Maturitní otázky > > > Personalities and interesting places VB

Personalities and interesting places VB

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: Gymnázium a Obchodní akademie, Orlová, příspěvková organizace, Orlová - Lutyně

Charakteristika: Práce ve stručném a jasném formátu. Jsou zde obsaženy podstatné informace vzhledem k danému tématu o Velké Británii. Psáno anglicky, bez vysvětlivek, či překladu.




Elisabeth II
- Is a the constitutional monarch of 16 sovereign states, called Commonwealth Realm
- She is Supreme Governor of Church of England
- Elizabeth is the first child of Prince Albert, Duke of York
- Elizabeth was born in London (1926)
- She is the most prominent member of House of Windsor

Alexander Fleming
- Sir A. Fleming was a Scottish biologist, pharmacologist and botanist
- He wrote many articles on immunology and chemotherapy
- His best-known discoveries are antibiotic and penicillin for which he shared Nobel Prize in Psychology or Medicine
- He was born in Scotland (1881) and died in London (1955)

Henry VIII of England
- He was a King of England until his death in 1547
- He was a second monarch of the Tudor dynasty
- Born at Greenwich Palace (1491)
- he has been described as "one of the most charismatic rulers to sit on the English throne"

The Beatles
- was an English rock band
- its formed with John Lennon (YOKO ONO), Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Star
- they have received 7 Grammy Awards
- The Beatles was the best-selling band in the United States
- Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Starr all released solo albums in 1970.
Songs: Yesterday, Love, Here Comes the Sun, Let it Be, Hey Jude, Help!, Come Together
Albums: Abbey Road, Hey Jude, Help!, The Beatles, Yellow Submarine, A Hard Days Night

Winston Churchill
- Sir W. Churchill was a British politician who was the Prime Minister of the IK
- He was a historian, a writer, an artist and also an officer in the British Army
- He have won the Nobel Prize in Literature
- He was the first person to be made anhonorary citizen of the United States

Interesting places

- Is a city in central southern England
- It is the country town of Oxfordshire
- The city is known worldwide as a university town and home of University of Oxford
- Buildings in Oxford demonstrate examples of every English architectural period

- The city of Cambridge is a university town and administrative centre
- It’s about 80 km north from London
- Population is about 120 000, including 25 000 students
- Cambridge is at the heart of the high-technology centre known Silicon Fen
- Cambridge is most known as the home of the University of Cambridge, that is one of the top 5 universities in the world"





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