> Maturitní otázky > > > Education


Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: Gymnázium, Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, nám. T. G. Masaryka 1260, příspěvková organizace, Frýdlant nad Ostravicí

Charakteristika: Tato práce zpracovává maturitní otázku Education. Zaměřuje se na vzdělávání v Anglii a v ČR. Práce je vhodná ke školní maturitě, ale využijete ji i při státní maturitě.


Vzdělávání v České republice
Vzdělávání v Anglii
Vzdělávání v USA


"I think that education is very important for everyone. In my opinion everybody should be educated minimally at least because thanks to education people are less aggressive. In the countries with higher level of education there is lower rate of crime than in countries with lower level of education. Good education is very important for getting well-paid job. If someone has only basic education, he or she usually can’t get as good job as more educated people.


In the Czech Republic the school attendance is compulsory from 6 to 15.
Before wards children might attend a kindergarten. It´s better for them because can socialize and they get used to the daily routine.
They start their school attendance in the age of 6 or 7. They go to the primary school where they attendant 9 classes. In the 5th or 7th class they have possibility to go to the Grammar school.
When they finish their compulsory attendance they can go to the grammar school, apprentice ship, grammar school with special education or go to work, but it´s not ideal for them, because they have almost no chance to find one.
Grammar school takes 4 years. Young people get general education there. Grammar school is finished by Maturita exam, which is passed from 4 subjects.
Specialized grammar school takes 4 years as well, but students specialise for something. They have practical classes time to time, where they practise their knowledge. It is finished by Maturita exam too, but they pass it from 5 or more subjects. Their Maturita exam has two parts: practical and theoretical.
Apprenticeship is similar to specialized grammar school, but it lasts only 3 years. Students get vocational certificate. They have possibility to extend their attendance for two years and pass Maturita exam if they want.
Then they can go to university or college. For going there Maturita exam is necessary.
In the Czech Republic colleges are very often private, so they aren’t as prestigious as universities. Colleges are ideal for people who want to specialize for their subject and nothing more. Students obtain the Foundation Degree there.
In the Czech Republic there are private and public universities. After 3-4 years student pass bachelor’s exam. Then they can continue in their studies and after 2 more years they pass Master’s exam. Then they can continue for getting PhD degree.


In the UK the school attendance is compulsory from 5 to 16.
In the UK there are kindergartens as well.
In the age of 5 children go to the primary school. They finish it in the age of 11 and then they have two possibilities. They can go to grammar school or to comprehensive school.
Grammar school is for gifted children. It takes 7 years. Students get general education there. In the age of 16 students have to pass the G.C.S.E. and in the age of 18 they pass the A- level exam, which is passed from 6 subjects. Result of A- level is criteria for being accepted to university.
Comprehensive school is for children from 11 to 16. In the age of 16 they have to pass the G. C. S. E. Then they can go to work, apprenticeship or they can decide to study for A-level for two more years.
At universities students can get after 3 or 4 years the Bachelor’s degree. After two more years they can get the master´s degree. They can be Master of Arts or Master of Science. Then they can continue for getting PhD degree."





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