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Places of interest in the UK

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: Gymnázium, Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, nám. T. G. Masaryka 1260, příspěvková organizace, Frýdlant nad Ostravicí

Charakteristika: Tato maturitní otázka byla vypracována jako "Béčková" otázka ke školní maturitě z angličtiny, ale využijete ji i při státní maturitě. Najdete zde popis zajímavých míst ve Velké Británii. Práce je psána velice jednoduchým a srozumitelným jazykem, kterému se snadno porozumí.


Places of interest in England
Places of interest in Scotland
Places of interest in Wales
Places of interest in Northern Ireland
National parks


"STONEHANGE- is prehistoric megalithic complex of standing stones close to Salisbury. It is believed to
have some religious or astronomical purpose. It was built by Celts.
LAKE DISTRICT- there is beautiful scenery and nature. You can admire hundreds of lakes,
Which gave name to Lake poets, who found there inspiration. The biggest lake is the Windermere and it is the largest lake in Britain.
NOTTINGHAM- and the nearby Sherwood forest are known as home of Robin Hood. In the town,
there is the oldest pub in England.
BATH- was built by Romans 43 AD as a spa town. It was built over hot springs. It is also know like a
place of living of Jane Austen. You can admire beautiful town architecture from the 1700s
PORTSMOUTH- you can visit the Royal Naval museum here.
CANTERBURY- is the spiritual centre of the Church of England, because there is a cathedral, which
was built 1000s and the early 1500s. And it is a destination of travelers in the
Canterbury Tales.
BRIGHTON- it is seaside resort south of London. You should visit Royal Pavilion built in the 19th
century in Indian style with Chinese decorations inside.
PLYMOUTH- is a historic seaport. It´s departure and return point of Christopher Drake´s voyage
around the world. And it is the departure point of Mayflower.

STRATFORT-UPON-AVON- Is the birthplace of William Shakespeare. You can visit the house where
Shakespeare was born and the Royal Shakespeare Theatre .
OXFORD-is situated on the Thames. It´s very old city. Some buildings were built before the 12th
century. It is famous for its university, which is the oldest university in the English-speaking
world. Oxford is known as the “City of Spires” because of its beautiful skyline of Gothic
towers and steeples.
CAMBRIDGE- The city is famous for its university, the University of Cambridge, which is considered
one of the best universities in the world. The river Cam is popular for punting.
LIVERPOOL-is a place where the Beatles were formed. It is a very old port and a part of the city
centre with docks is in UNESCO. There are two modern cathedrals. There is the lowest
crime levels compared to other big UK cities.
YORK- in York there is a largest gothic cathedral in England.
HADRIAN´S WALL-it was built around 122 AD by Roman Emperor Hadrian to keep out enemies .
SALISBURY- There is a beautiful medieval cathedral. It is a house of Magna Charta.
CORNWALL- it is said to be a birth place of King Arthur. It is very popular to its long coastlines.

GLASGOW- is the largest city in Scotland. It is industrial city and seaport.
EDINBOURGH- is a hilly city dating from the medieval times
LOCH NESS- is a lake, which is home of lake monster Nessie

CARDIFF-Is the capital city of Wales. it is a centre of light industry.
LANGOEN- is a home of the International Musical Eisteddfod, a famous singing and dancing festival.

BELFAST-Is the capital city, an industrial port and university city surrounded by hills. There is the
Ulster Museum and Botanical Gardens
GIANT´S CAUSWAY-Is a natural wonder along the north coast"





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