> Maturitní otázky > > > Shopping


Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: Gymnázium, Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, nám. T. G. Masaryka 1260, příspěvková organizace, Frýdlant nad Ostravicí

Charakteristika: "Béčková" maturitní otázka z angličtiny, která zpracovává téma shopping. Je vhodná jak ke školní, tak ke státní maturitě z angličtiny. Najdete zde základní charakteristiku různých typů obchodů i slovní zásobu zaměřenou na nakupování. vše je psáno velice jednoduše a srozumitelně.




"Shopping is an activity that is important for our lives. Most people have to spend part of their day doing shopping for food or other essential items. Some people enjoy it; others hate it and find it very unpleasant.

I am very interested in shopping. It´s very important part of my life, but I´ve got quite big problem: I haven´t got enough money, because it´s very hard for students to find a part-time job. For boys it’s easier to find a part- time job, because they can work for construction companies. 2 years ago I had a part-time job in local pub, but last year I couldn´t find anything. So I have to live from my pocket-money.

Ways to getting some money:
To getting money you can find a job, part-time job or you can invest or winning some money

I like buying clothes. In the past I spend all my money for clothes. I could spend hours in the shopping centers. Nowadays I rather spend my money and my free- time with my friends. I like buying food, because I love it. I prefer exotic food, so I have to do shopping in supermarkets or hypermarkets or in specialized shops, but in specialized shops it´s cheaper than in supermarkets. Personally, I prefer small shops like self-service shops or minimarkets, because there is a friendlier atmosphere and you have no problem with choosing. I like shopping malls too- they are big but, there are specialized shops and you can found there everything what you need.

My family does shopping every day, because we need bread and fresh vegetable. We do small purchase in Metylovice in the local shop. One times per week we do very big one in supermarket. I think that smaller purchases are better than that big one, because second day fridge is empty. If you live in the city you can go for vegetables or fruits to outdoor market- so you have everything fresh. Time to time, we need some clothes or shoes so we go to a shopping mall or shopping centre.
Nowadays, it´s very easy to do shopping, because there are e-stores. And there is no problem with pay-pal. But it can be dangerous, because there are lots of fake-stores. And for some people it can be hard to control their own money, if they don´t have cash.
-During last years services have developed very much. Services have become available for everyone. It is very easy for example to order dinner to your home, when you are lazy to cook. It has lots of advantages but also lot of disadvantages, because due to this people become lazy.
- Hair dresser, manicure or pedicure, laundry, repair shop, phone nets….
MARKETS: - are lots of different stalls and shops on one place. We have also open-air markets where
you can buy fresh vegetable, fruit or fish.
SHOPPING MALLS: is a one big building with lots of shops inside. Shopping mall is Forum Nová
Karolina for example.
SELF-SERVICE SHOP: are small shops usually situated in the countryside with small range of goods.
DRUGSTORE:- you can buy there drugs, soaps or home supplies.
GROCER´S : - all different types of goods are there. You can buy there almost everything.
CHEMIST´S : you can buy there just drugs
DEPARTMENSTORE: there is one big store with everything with several small shops
Specialized shops:
At a bakery we can buy bread, rolls, cookies and cakes.
At butcher’s we can buy meat and sausages.
At a clothing store we can buy clothes for men, women, or children."





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