Kategorie: Angličtina, Zeměpis
Typ práce: Maturitní otázky
Škola: Gymnázium Joachima Barranda, Beroun, Talichova 824, Beroun 2
Charakteristika: Práce se zaměřuje na stručný popis Kanady v anglickém jazyce.
"Canada si the second largest country in the world. Around 900 000 sq kilometre is covered with rivers and lakes including the great Lakes. Canada has also the longest coasline.
Canada occupies the whole of the northern part of North America (except Alaska) and many islands Baffin Island, Newfoundland, Vancouver, Prince Edward Island etc.).
Canada is bordered by the USA to the south and the north west. Most people live 150 kilometres from US- Candien borders. The southern part is covered in forest. The northern part is mostly tundra.
Canadien Rocky mountains lie along cost. The Great Lakes Region is the largest area of fresh water in the world. There are famous Niagara Falls between Lake Erie and Ontario. We can find also other big and beautiful lakes in Canada, e.g. Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake, Lake Winnipeg etc.
Canada has large mountain areas – the Rocky Mountains, the Mackenzie Mountains and the Melville Hills. The highest mountain is Mt. Logan in the Alaska Region, the longest river is the Mackenzie, other big rivers are the Yukon, the Fraser, the Columbia and the River St. Lawrence.
Country is divided into ten provinces. and three teritories.
Canada has mostly continental climate with cold snowy winters and warm summers. the far north has a polar climate."
Číslo práce: | 30119 |
Autor: | - |
Typ školy: | SŠ |
Počet stran:* | 1 |
Formát: | MS Word |
Odrážky: | Ne |
Obrázky/grafy/schémata/tabulky: | Ne |
Použitá literatura: | Ne |
Jazyk: | angličtina |
Rok výroby: | 2015 |
Počet stažení: | 434 |
Velikost souboru: | 10 KiB |
* Počet stran je vyčíslen ve standardu portálu a může se tedy lišit od reálného počtu stran. |
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